Doctorate in

Industrial and Computer Science Technology

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Master's Degree in Industrial and Computer Science Technology

We train researchers able to work in competitive and international environments

Industrial and Computer Science Technology are of great importance in many areas and are essential for the competitiveness of businesses. The Doctorate in Industrial and Information Technologies includes the lines of research in Industrial Technologies and Information Technologies, where several leading research issues are discussed such as the recovery of energy in vehicles, the analysis and manufacture of new materials and the application of computer science in the spatial environment, among others.

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Profesorado: Grupo Nebrija de Tecnologías Industriales e Informáticas

Industrial and Computer Science Technology Group

Roberto Alvarez Dr. Roberto Álvarez Fernández Doctor en Ingeniería industrial especialidad en ingeniería de los procesos de fabricación. Ingeniero Industrial especialidad en electrotecnia y especialidad en organización de la producción. Profesor acreditado en las figuras de contratado doctor y profesor de universidad privada. 17 años de experiencia docente y 10 años de experiencia investigadora. Cuenta con un sexenio de investigación, más de 500 citas en el Google Scholar Citations, 19 artículos en revistas indexadas en el JCR (Journal Citations Reports) de los cuales 12 corresponden al primer cuartil (Q1). Ha publicado dos libros con la editorial Springer y numerosos capítulos de libros, participaciones en congresos y charlas, tanto nacionales como internacionales. Su línea de investigación se centra en la optimización en el uso de las infraestructuras urbanas y el consumo de energía, incluyendo la actividad industrial, la movilidad y la cuantificación de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero debida a dichas actividades. Rafael Barea Dr. Rafael Barea del Cerro

Doctor por la UAM, Ingeniero de Materiales por la UPM, Licenciado en CC Físicas y Diplomado en Magisterio por la UCM. Especialista universitario en elementos finitos en problemas térmicos por la UNED. Experiencia investigadora durante más de 10 años en diferentes centros del CSIC y en la Universidad Nebrija. Profesor titular por la ANECA, posee tres sexenios de investigación. Especialidades: procesamiento y caracterización de materiales cerámicos y metálicos, en modelos matemáticos y simulación (redes neuronales, lógica difusa, elementos finitos, modelización de propiedades no lineales de materiales...). Actualmente trabajando en el área de fabricación aditiva en inoxidables y en propiedades mecánicas de aleaciones de magnesio con orientación a la fabricación de piezas de la industria del transporte (aviones, trenes, barcos y automóviles).

PhD from the UAM, Engineering degree in Materials from the UPM, Bachelor's degree in Physical Sciences and Associate's degree in Teaching from the UCM. University specialist in finite elements in thermal problems from the UNED. Over 10 years of research experience in different CSIC centers and at Nebrija University. An associate professor through ANECA, he has three six-year periods research. Specialties: processing and characterization of ceramic and metallic materials, in mathematical models and simulation (neural networks, fuzzy logic, finite elements, modeling of non-linear properties of materials...). He is currently working in the area of additive manufacturing in stainless steel and on the mechanical properties of magnesium alloys oriented towards manufacturing parts for the transportation industry (airplanes, trains, ships and automobiles).

Francisco Miguel García Dr. Francisco Miguel García Herrero

Since 2011, the main research line is the design and implementation of algorithms and hardware architectures for Forward Error Correction (FEC) codes required in modern communication and storage systems, such as flash memories, satellite decoders and long- haul optical fiber-optic networks. The research is focused on:
• Low density binary decoders, LDPC
• Low-density non-binary parity code decoders, NB-LDPC
• Polar codes decoders
• Soft decoding of the Reed-Solomon codes
The objective is to improve the performance of the decoders trying to balance coding gain, throughput, latency and area resources, by means of reducing complexity in decoding algorithms with a negligible loss in error correction. In addition, solutions to mitigate the error floor effect of low complexity algorithms based on majority logic decoding have been studied through real implementations in field-programmable gate array (FPGA) of several decoder architectures.
Related to these topics, more than fifteen articles have been published in journals included in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) in the field of Electrical and Telecommunications Engineering (Q1-Q2). In addition, a patent for the architecture of a new decoding algorithm for non-binary LDPC codes, which can be applied to fault-tolerant flash memories and other modern storage devices, was registered. All this production is supported by competitive projects of the Spanish Government (3 projects since 2009) and drove international collaborations with the Equipes Traitement de l'Information et Systèmes (Ecole Nationale Supérieure de l’Electronique et de ses Applications), the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (University of California) and School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (University College Dublin). Medium and long term research will continue with error correction decoders and fault tolerance processing architectures for high-performance systems in order to provide new algorithms and designs to satisfy the requirements of demanding areas such as space technology.
Juan Antonio Maestro Dr. Juan Antonio Maestro de la Cuerda Juan Antonio Maestro holds a M.Sc. degree in Physics (1994) and a PhD degree in Computer Engineering from Universidad Complutense de Madrid (1999). He has served both as a lecturer and researcher at several universities, as Universidad Complutense de Madrid, UNED, Saint Louis University and Universidad Antonio de Nebrija, where he currently directs the ARIES research center (
His current activities are oriented to the Space field, with several research projects on reliability and radiation protection. In this way, his areas of interest include different subjects as Digital Design, Computer Architecture, High Level Synthesis and co-Synthesis, Fault-tolerance and Reliability. He has co-authored more than 150 publications, both in journals and international conferences, as well as some patents in the field of fault-tolerant digital circuits. He collaborates with universities and research centers worldwide, as Stanford University, the European Space Agency, University College Dublin or the Harbin Institute of Technology.
Profesorado externo External professors
Dr. Chris Bleakley Dr. Chris Bleakley Chris Bleakley holds a B.Sc.(Hons) degree in Computer Science (1990) from Queen’s University Belfast and a Ph.D. degree in Electronic Engineering (1995) from Dublin City University. He is currently an Associate Professor in the School of Computer Science at University College Dublin (UCD). His research focuses on computational sensing - algorithms for processing signals from real-world sensors including image, video, speech, audio, ultrasonic, EEG, and radio signals - and fault tolerant computing. To date, he has published over 120 papers and graduated 12 Ph.D. students. Prior to joining UCD in 2003, Dr Bleakley was Vice-President of Engineering with Massana Ltd., a research-lead fabless semiconductor company. Dr Bleakley managed a multi-disciplinary, multi-site team comprising up to 50 engineers to deliver Massanas Gigabit Ethernet over copper Physical Layer Integrated Circuit products. He has also held positions at Accenture, Broadcom Eireann, and BIS Beecom. Dr. Pedro Reviriego Vasallo Dr. Pedro Reviriego Vasallo Pedro Reviriego received the MSc and PhD Hons. degrees in telecommunications engineering from the Technical University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain, in 1994 and 1997, respectively. From 1997 to 2000, he was an R&D engineer with Teldat, Madrid, working on router im plementation. In 2000, he joined Massana to work on the development of Ethernet transceivers. During 2003, he was a visiting professor with the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Leganés, Spain. From 2004 to 2007, he was a distinguished member of the technical staff with LSI Corporation, working on the development of Ethernet transceivers. From 2007 to 2018 he worked at Universidad Nebrija and was part of the ARIES Research Center. He is currently with Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. He is the author of numerous papers in international conference proceedings and journals. He has also participated in IEEE 802.3 standardization activities. His research interests include fault-tolerant systems, communication networks, and the design of physical-layer communication devices. He is a senior member of the IEEE. Dr. Pedro Reviriego Vasallo Dra. Ana Romero Doctora en Ingeniería Industrial por la Universidad de Castilla La Mancha. Colaboración en varios proyectos de investigación y en proyectos de innovación docente, participación en más de 18 congresos en el ámbito nacional e internacional y en numerosas publicaciones en revistas científicas internacionales. Premio Airbus al mejor proyecto fin de carrera y obtención de becas competitivas. En la actualidad es profesora ayudante doctora en la Universidad de Castilla La Mancha.
Cerrar Profesores Close Professors

Coordinador y Comisión académica

Coordinador del programa de doctorado:

Dr. Rafael Barea del Cerro - Campus de Madrid-Princesa - Tfno.: 91 452 11 01

Comisión académica:

La Comisión académica del programa de doctorado a la que se refiere el Art. 8.3 del RD 99/2011, es la encargada del seguimiento de los doctorandos y será responsable de las actividades de formación e investigación. Esta comisión académica está formada por las siguientes personas:

  • Dr. Rafael Barea del Cerro (Presidente).
  • Dr. Nieves Cubo (Vocal del área de Tecnologías Informáticas).
  • Dr. Sergio Corbera (Vocal del área de Tecnologías Industriales).
  • Francisco Badea (Secretario).

Coordinator and Academic Commission

Coordinator of the doctoral program:

Dr. Rafael Barea del Cerro - Campus de Madrid-Princesa - Tel.: 91 452 11 01

Academic Commission:

The Academic Committee of the doctoral program referred to in Art. 8.3 of RD 99/2011, is responsible for the follow-up of doctoral students and will be responsible for training and research activities. This academic commission is made up of the following people:

  • Dr. Rafael Barea del Cerro (President).
  • Dr. Nieves Cubo (Vocal del área de Tecnologías Informáticas).
  • Dr. Sergio Corbera (Vocal del área de Tecnologías Industriales).
  • Francisco Badea (Secretary).

Perfil investigador

Línea de investigación en Tecnologías Industriales:
Grupo Nebrija de Ingeniería de Vehículos (GREEN) Grupo Nebrija de Materiales y Fabricación Avanzada (MOD3RN)
Línea de investigación en Tecnologías Informáticas:
Centro Nebrija de Investigación ARIES


Escuela de Doctorado

Universidad Nebrija - Campus de la Berzosa - Calle del Hostal, s/n. 28240 Madrid

Doctoral School

Universidad Nebrija - Campus de la Berzosa - Calle del Hostal, s/n. 28240 Madrid Director de la Escuela de Doctorado: Director of the Doctoral School: Juan Arturo Rubio Arostegui Secretaria del doctorado: Doctoral programme secretary: Ioana Ofileanu



The research lines of this program have a high potential for labor insertion


Thus, on the one hand, Automobile Engineering is a growing line in Spain. This sector generates approximately 10% of GDP and also represents 17% of the country's exports. Spanish production plants are among the most automated in Europe, with high investment rates. Regarding R&D, the sector has an important network of automotive centers and clusters, with 34 technological centers related to vehicle production.


On the other hand, the line of research in Electronics provides a large number of possibilities for the training of doctoral students and their insertion in the labor market. Technology areas are usually among the most sought out, and where a greater number of well-trained professionals is required. Specifically, Electronics stands out for its great transversality, being present in most industrial applications: from pure computer systems to Space applications, including process automation.


Finally, the same can be said of the Materials line, on which there is an increasing interest from the industry. The Materials profile is one of the most demanded internationally, with a great projection in research, innovation and development matters.

Graduates will be able to develop their professional career in the Research and Development departments of companies related to cars, electronics or materials. Technology or research centers and universities are another career opportunity for graduates of this program.


Activities in Industrial and Computer Science Technology

Visit all the Activities of the Higher Polytechnic School

Engineering Week of the Higher Polytechnic School

They addressed issues such as Intelligent and Innovative Mobility, New Technologies in Cities and Transportation Networks, or Science to Explain the World. Finishing with the Employment Forum in which companies such as Iberdrola, Ikea, Hyunday or Deloitte parcipated.

Coodinator of the Doctorate in Industrial and Computer Science Technology

CONTACT PhD. Rafael Barea del Cerro

Coodinator of the Doctorate in Industrial and Computer Science Technology

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