Nebrija Investiga, Universidad privada en Madrid
> Español

Nebrija ResearchDoctoral School: Internal Quality Assurance System

The Process Handbook of the Internal Quality Assurance System regarding the Doctorate Programmes of Antonio de Nebrija University includes the description, rules and forms for every kind of process developed at the Internal Quality Assurance System (SGIQ) which are common to all the Doctoral degrees at this University.

The SGIQ guarantees teaching, research and management quality of the Doctorate Programmes. Moreover, quality is aimed to fulfil both expectations and stakeholders commanded in Doctorate Programmes: in a direct way to students, alumni, administration staff, researchers, companies, and indirectly, to other social sub-systems.

Doctorate Programmes SGIQ was created within the AUDIT framework and it is aimed to fulfil those criteria and guidelines of the European University Quality Agencies (ENQA), national agencies and the Spanish University system rules. It is worth mentioning that, as AUDIT does not include any guideline nor, therefore, any procedure linked to Research, the Directive 7, called Research Quality, has been created, where a set of procedures and associated indicators are proposed in order to assess the quality of research outcomes stemming from those Doctorate Programmes which are not linked to any other AUDIT guideline.

Manual de Procesos del Sistema de Garantía Interna de Calidad de la Universidad Antonio de Nebrija para los programas de Doctorado
Quality Assurance Commissions Comisiones de Garantía de Calidad
Minutes of the Quality Assurance Commissions Actas de las Comisiones de Garantía de Calidad

Doctorado en Educación y Procesos Cognitivos

Doctorado en Seguridad y Análisis de Riesgos y Conflictos

Doctorado en Lingüística Aplicada a la Enseñanza de Lenguas

Doctorado en Tecnologías Industriales e Informáticas

Principales resultados de los títulos Main results of the titles