María José Ramo Herrando



María José Ramo Herrando

María José Ramo Herrando has a PhD in Labor Law from the Nebrija University. She has been a partner at the Garrigues law firm, always attached to the Labor Law Department. In his more than 35 years of professional career he has advised some of the main Spanish companies in the legal-labor field. She currently works, at the proposal of CEOE, as a Mediator in national labor disputes in the Interconfederal Mediation and Arbitration Service (SIMA).

She is accredited as a Contracted Doctor Professor and Private University Professor, and has been teaching Labor Law classes for more than 20 years. She has always combined her professional and academic activities, being the author of the monograph “Senior Managers and Business Desistimiento” and co-author of 19 collective works on Labor Law and Social Security.

See faculty
María José Ramo Herrando


Member of the Board of Directors of the National Labor Association.