Nuestra NEBRIJA 33 - abril 2020

42 43 From the Nebrija-Santander Global Chair in Spa- nish as a Language for Migrants and Refugees we want to prove that the society that has its roots here is enriched by the one that starts taking root when it arrives. And the group that we call mi- grants and refugees is a piece of the mosaic that shapes our society. We identify with the idea of a beautiful mosaic -the beauty of diversity- and with a strong, dyna- mic and powerful mosaic -the richness of diversi- ty. Our society should not be more homogeneous because of an imposed heritage, but rather we should all create an interactive heritage. The aim of the Chair’s Network of Friends is to contribute to the creation of this interactive mix and, from it, we also want to -and this is intrinsically linked to that vision of society as a mosaic of languages and cultures- show migrants and refugees the im- portant role played by their mother tongues and the other languages they know, and how proud we are to have the privilege of learning, through them, about those languages and cultures. Both of them, rather explicitly, will be present in the research and activities that we want to carry out in the Chair, and to which we invite all those who share our belief in the wealth provided to our society by this diversity and multiplicity. From this Network we intend to enhance the visibility and full participation of migrants and refugees in an inclusive society that we will build together, be- cause each of us is a key piece in this mosaic. A bit of background The Nebrija-Santander Global Chair in Spanish as a Language for Migrants and Refugees took its first steps in 2018 with a firm and ambitious objective: to contribute, from the specific scope of research in applied linguistics, to the linguis- tic, social, identity and emotional well-being of migrants and refugees, as well as their visibility and awareness in the host population, in order to promote their full participation in society. How are these objectives linked to applied linguis- tics? Language is, in fact, a key, driving and fun- damental factor on the path to social participation. We communicate through language, and we can carry out basic daily-life activities, but also educa- tional, work and social activities that allow us to be social agents and actual citizens. Language thus becomes the enabling axis, the gateway to real and full participation in the process of joining a new society. Far from creating barriers, language is an essential tool in the construction of a space for exchange, dialogue and coexistence. How is all of the above addressed and integra- ted from an approach that is firmly committed to research? The project of the Nebrija-Santander Global Chair in Spanish as a Language for Mi- grants and Refugees is not something new for us. In Nebrija University's School of Languages and Education, we have been working with these populations for over ten years. The LAELE group has spent years participating in interdisciplinary research (R&D+I) projects, both at regional and national levels, such as INMIGRA-CM and IN- MIGRA2-CM, EMILIA; as well as in projects of applied dimension with clearly tangible results. Proof of this are the LETRA Diploma project for linguistic certification for migrant workers, the "Comunícate en Español" courses, the Alteri- tas project and, more recently, the "Ser y Estar" project, dedicated to developing a didactic ap- proach to teaching Spanish to migrants and refu- gees through applied theater. Rigorous, quality research is the foundation and key to social advancement. The Chair starts from this conviction and goes a step further with its vo- cation for dissemination and true social impact: the transfer of results. And this transfer, which we understand not in an abstract sense, but very specifically and with a vocation for precision, is the other pillar on which this project is supported and to which all its activity is directed. During these nearly three years of journey with these objectives, the Chair has developed all kinds of activities, both to promote research and to disseminate and participate in the different so- cial agents involved. Thus, since the official presentation of the Chair, we have supported rigorous and quality research both for carrying out scientific studies and for dis- seminating its results by attending international conferences. We have also promoted predoctoral research and research assistance contracts, as well as international meetings, research seminars and awards aimed at nurturing research by young researchers. Various dissemination sessions have also been held featuring migrants and refugees themselves. In the activities on World Refugee Day or in the Language and Migration Days included in the Community of Madrid's Science Week, we have sought, precisely, to combine this double pers- pective of dissemination of research and visibi- lity of the role of migrants and refugees in our society. In addition to all this are the pedagogi- cal innovation courses and university extension activities carried out in collaboration with various NGOs and associations for the care of migrants and refugees, as well as the courses and training sessions for teachers, who, from the classroom, are true agents of social change. The Living Lab In the context of the objectives and activities mentioned, the Living Lab is the entity and project that, in some way, encapsulates and shapes the spirit and objectives of our Chair. It has a perma- nent office -which already collaborates with the CAT San Blas of the Red Cross- and another iti- nerant office, so this living laboratory is conceived as a window to the world of research, breaking down the barriers between scientists and socie- ty. It allows the public to come into contact with science in a dynamic and innovative social space, and it, in turn, becomes a meeting and access point for the target population -migrants and re- fugees-, also facilitating the collection of useful data for the development of research in the diffe- rent dimensions of the relationship between lan- guage, speakers and society. The Network of Friends The active Living Lab has various research pro- jects under its sponsorship and the experience of the different dissemination activities and promo- tion of the visibility and participation of the host society, therefore at this point the time has come to add forces to this project by involving the di- fferent social agents who share the Chair’s spirit, objectives and vision. The creation of the Chair's Network of Friends aims, precisely, to establish a space for collaboration and participation for all of us who share this vision, and thus generate syner- gies and alliances between them all. With this innovative initiative of service, support, awareness and empathy, we want to open the doors of research to the world, and serve as a point of contact between migrants and refugees and the host society, and defend the rights and specify the responsibilities of all. Specifically, the Network of Friends must provide benefits for migrants and refugees, and for the in- dividuals, organizations and institutions that join it. It goes without saying that the Chair is the axis around which the exchanges and activities of the members of the Network of Friends revolve, and it is from here that we are developing a digital platform so that those interested can register and thus join this Network, to make it theirs too. Therefore, we would like to issue an invitation to join our Network of Friends, on the one hand, to professionals in education, the humanities, so- cial sciences, sciences, visual arts, graphic arts, health sciences, law, engineering, architecture; and, on the other hand, provincial, national and international social entities, among others, NGOs, schools, colleges, universities, research laborato- ries, theater groups, government agencies, and all those who want and can contribute to the com- mon goal: that migrants and refugees become another piece of our social mosaic. W e want to show migrants and refugees the important role played by their mother tongues and what a privilege it is to learn through them F ar from creating barriers , language is an essential tool in the construction of a space for exchange