Cátedra Nebrija
> Español


The International Chair in Cognitive Health comprises a global network of research groups dedicated to generating, managing, and disseminating scientific knowledge pertaining to cognitive health.

What is cognitive health?

Cognitive health encompasses a range of activities aimed at investigating, preserving, enhancing, and rehabilitating optimal brain function. It denotes the brain's capacity to efficiently process, analyze, and retain information, encompassing vital skills like critical thinking, problem-solving, memory retention, focused attention, and the acquisition of new abilities. Strong cognitive health fosters adaptability and resilience in facing novel challenges and environments, playing a pivotal role in ensuring overall well-being and an improved quality of life.

Why is cognitive health important?

The cognitive system governs our decisions, emotions, and thoughts. From speech and learning to driving and every human action, a significant cognitive element is involved. Factors like aging, nutrition, exercise habits, and exposure to brain diseases or injuries can notably impact cognitive health.

Objectives of the Research Chair

  • Fostering collaboration between member institutions and companies is pivotal to advancing knowledge in cognitive health and facilitating knowledge transfer through the creation of scientific and informative publications.
  • Promoting international cooperation and engagement with higher education entities, third-sector institutions, and companies is a core objective.
  • Initiating joint research endeavors with foundations, associations, research centers, universities, or national and international companies, focusing on shared interests.
  • Implementing a practical training policy for university students and professionals in the cognitive health domain is crucial.
  • Actively participating in university programs aimed at delivering comprehensive responses and addressing diverse needs.