Visita Ciudad Financiera del Santander. Nebrija


Los alumnos de arquitectura de la Universidad Antonio de Nebrija, realizaron el viernes pasado  una visita a la ciudad financiera del Santander, donde pudieron contemplar la complejidad de arquitecturas de una ciudad de semejantes dimensiones y características.

La ciudad financiera posee no solo edificios de oficinas, sino un gran campo de golf, una galería de arte e incluso instalaciones deportivas y guardería para sus empleados, todo ello dentro de un entorno estudiado al detalle, desde la subdivisión funcional de los diferentes edificios hasta un estudio detallado del paisaje y naturaleza que los rodea.

Shigeru Ban Premio Pritzker de Arquitectura 2014. Nebrija



“Architecture generally involves creating monuments to permanence from substantial materials like steel and concrete. Yet this year, the discipline’s top award is going to a man who is best known for making temporary housing out of transient materials like paper tubes and plastic beer crates.

On Monday, the Japanese architect Shigeru Ban was named the winner of this year’s Pritzker Architecture Prize, largely because of his work designing shelters after natural disasters in places like Rwanda, Turkey, India, China, Haiti and Japan.

“His buildings provide shelter, community centers and spiritual places for those who have suffered tremendous loss and destruction,” the jury said in its citation. “When tragedy strikes, he is often there from the beginning. (fuente: New York Times)”