Nebrija Research Group

Automotive Engineering

Nebrija Research Group Nebrija Research Group

Nebrija Research Group on Automotive Engineering Acronym: GREEN

Abstract and Research Lines

Abstract:The group focuses on vehicle dynamics, including analysis, simulation, design, optimization, test, sensorization, vibroacoustic dynamic data acquisition and analysis.
Current projects mainly focus on the recovery of thermal and mechanical energy recovery in vehicles (Energy Harvesting) and in the development of low-cost and reliable electronic products for vehicle instrumentation and data acquisition.

Research Lines:

  • Energy Harvesting in vehicles.
  • Thermal energy harvesting using thermoacoustic systems.
  • Mathematical-experimental development of tyre models.
  • Identification of parameters in vehicle systems.
  • Dynamics of railway vehicles.
  • Minimally invasive and low-cost sensorization of vehicles.

Research Projects

Value Of Joint EXperimentation in digital Technologies for manufacturing and construction (VOJEXT)

  • File No: ID 952197 9
  • Financial institution: EuropeanCommission. H2020 Programme (Call ID: H2020-DT-2019-2)
  • Execution period: 2020-2023
  • + Information

Potential of waste energy recovering in thermal combustion engines. Energy and environmental implications.

  • File No: POWER - ENE2014-57043-R
  • Financial institution: Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness
  • Execution period: 2014-2018

Dynamic calculations for homologation of variable width OGI bogie for freight transport

  • Financial institution: TRIA Ingeniería
  • Execution period: 2016-2017

Vehicle safety for intelligent, sustainable, safe and inclusive mobility

  • File No: SEGVAUTO 4.0-CM - P2018EEMT-4362
  • Financial institution: Research and Innovation General Directorate. Programme of R&D activities between research groups in the Community of Madrid 2018
  • Execution period: 2019-2022

Recovery of waste energies from light-duty vehicles.Technological Impact (RECUPERA)

  • File No: RTI2018-095923-B-C22
  • Financial institution: Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. State Research Agency. State R&D&i Program Oriented to the Society Challenges 2018
  • Execution period: 2019- 2021

NEXT generation methods, concepts and solutions for the design of robust and sustainable running GEAR (NEXTGEAR)

  • File No: ID 881803
  • Financial institution: EuropeanCommission. H2020 Programme(Call ID: H2020-S2RJU-2019)
  • Execution period: 2020-2021

Responsible PR

PhD. Francisco Badea Romero
PhD. Carlos Lli Torrabadella Researcher ORCID PhD. Ingo Martín Kaiser Researcher ORCID PhD. Jordi Viñolas Prat Researcher ORCID PhD. Antonio Hernando Grande Master teacher ORCID Dr. Javier Aranceta Aguirre Researcher
Alfonso De Hoyos Fernández de Córdova Researcher ORCID PhD. Mahidur Sarker External Researcher Jesus Angel Pérez Fernández External Researcher Antonio Cantero Obregón Researcher