"PROFESIONAL NEBRIJA" Training program, accompaniment and incorporation to the company
The Antonio de Nebrija University carries out important work to favor the practical training in companies and institutions of all its students and the approach to the professional environment and first employment of university graduates, through the PROFESSIONAL CAREERS DEPARTMENT (DCP) with its program of individual training actions, counseling and tutoring, as well as with its different collaboration programs with companies and institutions.
Through Educational Collaboration Agreements we facilitate internships for the training of our students in companies and institutions both nationally and internationally.
The University-Company approach program includes different forms of collaboration: Employment, Academic Visits, Professional for a Day Program, Mentoring Program and Scholarship Program for internships.
We offer you access to the job market and personalized advice to access professional opportunities that fit your profile, and we act as intermediaries between you and the company to facilitate the incorporation process.
Antonio Pérez Castro
Department of Professional Careers | Tel.: 91 452 11 00 / 01 | Email: nebrijaprofesional@nebrija.es
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