The payment of the Academic Year consists of Registration + Enrollment + Monthly payments.
Degree | Modality | Reservation of place | Enrollment | 10 monthly payments | Final price |
Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Education Early Childhood Education | classroom attendance | 700€ | 1.500€ | 476€ | 6.760€ |
Bachelor's Degree in Primary Education Primary Education | classroom attendance | 700€ | 1.500€ | 456€ | 6.760€ |
Bachelor's Degree in Social Education Social Education | classroom attendance | 700€ | 1.500€ | 456€ | 6.760€ |
Bachelor's Degree in Applied Modern Languages Applied Modern Languages | classroom attendance | 700€ | 1.500€ | 456€ | 6.760€ |
Degree | Modality | Reservation of place | Enrollment | 10 monthly payments | Final price |
Bachelor's Degree in Journalism Journalism | classroom attendance | 700€ | 1.500€ | 779€ | 9.990€ |
Bachelor's Degree in Audiovisual Communications Audiovisual Communications | classroom attendance | 700€ | 1.500€ | 962€ | 11.820€ |
Bachelor's Degree in Strategic Communication, Protocol and Event Organization Strategic Communication, Protocol and Event Organization | classroom attendance | 700€ | 1.500€ | 962€ | 11.820€ |
Bachelor's Degree in Advertising and Public Relations Advertising and Public Relations | classroom attendance | 700€ | 1.500€ | 962€ | 11.820€ |
Bachelor's Degree in Marketing Marketing | classroom attendance | 700€ | 1.500€ | 903€ | 11.230€ |
Bachelor's Degree in Digital and Multimedia Design Digital and Multimedia Design | classroom attendance | 700€ | 1.500€ | 768€ | 9.880€ |
Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts Fine Arts | classroom attendance | 700€ | 1.500€ | 903€ | 11.230€ |
Bachelor's Degree in Performing Arts Performing Arts | classroom attendance | 700€ | 1.500€ | 903€ | 11.230€ |
Bachelor's Degree in Fashion Design Fashion Design | classroom attendance | 700€ | 1.500€ | 768€ | 9.880€ |
Degree | Modality | Reservation of place | Enrollment | 10 monthly payments | Final price |
Bachelor's Degree in Business Creation, Administration and Management Business Creation, Administration and Management | classroom attendance online | 700€700€ | 1.500€800€ | 962€400€ | 11.820€5.500€ |
Bachelor's Degree in Economics and International Business Economics and International Business | classroom attendance online | 700€700€ | 1.500€800€ | 962€400€ | 11.820€5.500€ |
Bachelor's Degree in Business Analytics Business Analytics | classroom attendance | 700€ | 1.500€ | 962€ | 11.820€ |
Bachelor's Degree in Tourism and Hospitality Management Tourism and Hospitality Management | classroom attendance | 700€ | 1.500€ | 456€ | 6.760€ |
Degree | Modality | Reservation of place | Enrollment | 10 monthly payments | Final price |
Bachelor's Degree in Law Law | classroom attendance blended | 700€700€ | 1.500€800€ | 779€551€ | 9.900€7.010€ |
Bachelor's Degree in International Relations International Relations | classroom attendance | 700€ | 1.500€ | 779€ | 9.900€ |
Bachelor's Degree in Criminology and Forensic Sciences Criminology and Forensic Sciences | classroom attendance online | 700€700€ | 1.500€800€ | 710€400€ | 9.300€5.500€ |
Degree | Modality | Reservation of place | Enrollment | 10 monthly payments | Final price |
Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering Computer Engineering | classroom attendance | 700€ | 1.500€ | 956€ | 11.760€ |
Bachelor's Degree in Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering | classroom attendance | 700€ | 1.500€ | 956€ | 11.760€ |
Bachelor's Degree in Applied Mathematics Applied Mathematics | classroom attendance | 700€ | 1.500€ | 956€ | 11.760€ |
Bachelor's Degree in Applied Physics Applied Physics | classroom attendance | 700€ | 1.500€ | 956€ | 11.760€ |
Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Robotics Engineering Industrial Robotics Engineering | classroom attendance | 700€ | 1.500€ | 1.137€ | 13.570€ |
Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Technologies Engineering Industrial Technologies Engineering | classroom attendance | 700€ | 1.500€ | 1.277€ | 14.970€ |
Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering | classroom attendance | 700€ | 1.500€ | 1.277€ | 14.970€ |
Bachelor's Degree in Automobile Engineering Automobile Engineering | classroom attendance | 700€ | 1.500€ | 1.277€ | 14.970€ |
Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Design and Product Development Engineering Industrial Design and Product Development Engineering | classroom attendance | 700€ | 1.500€ | 1.277€ | 14.970€ |
Bachelor's Degree in Logistics Engineering and Industrial Organization Logistics Engineering and Industrial Organization | classroom attendance | 700€ | 1.500€ | 1.137€ | 13.570€ |
Bachelor's Degree in Fundamentals of Architecture Fundamentals of Architecture | classroom attendance blended | 700€700€ | 1.500€800€ | 956€748€ | 11.760€8.980€ |
Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering* Civil Engineering* | classroom attendance | 700€ | 1.500€ | 956€ | 11.760€ |
Bachelor's Degree in Interior Design Interior Design | classroom attendance | 700€ | 1.500€ | 956€ | 11.760€ |
Degree | Modality | Reservation of place | Enrollment | 10 monthly payments | Final price |
Bachelor's Degree in Medicine Medicine | classroom attendance | 3.000€ | 1.550€ | 18.500€ | |
Bachelor's Degree in Odontology* Odontology* | classroom attendance | 700€ | 1.500€ | 1.330€ | 15.500€ |
Bachelor's Degree in Nursing Nursing | classroom attendance | 700€ | 1.500€ | 710€ | 9.300€ |
Bachelor's Degree in Biomedical Engineering Biomedical Engineering | classroom attendance | 700€ | 1.500€ | 956€ | 11.760€ |
Bachelor's Degree in Physiotherapy Physiotherapy | classroom attendance | 700€ | 1.500€ | 710€ | 9.300€ |
Bachelor's Degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences Physical Activity and Sport Sciences | classroom attendance | 700€ | 1.500€ | 791€ | 10.110€ |
Bachelor's Degree in Psychology Psychology | classroom attendance | 700€ | 1.500€ | 710€ | 9.300€ |
Bachelor's Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics Human Nutrition and Dietetics | classroom attendance | 700€ | 1.500€ | 592€ | 8.020€ |
* Pending verification by Fundación Madri+d.
(a) Los precios reseñados se refieren a alumnos de nuevo ingreso, que realizan el curso académico completo y respecto al primer curso de la Titulación correspondiente.
Las tarifas aplicables al 2º curso y subsiguientes, especialmente en el caso de las Dobles titulaciones de Grado, pueden presentar variaciones y deberán ser consultados en el Portal del Alumno
(a) The prices listed refer to new students, who are taking the entire academic year and the first year of the corresponding Degree.
The fees applicable to the 2nd and subsequent years, especially in the case of Double Degree programs, may vary and should be consulted in the Student Portal.
Honorarios académicos para alumnos que ingresan por primera vez en la Universidad Nebrija y para realizar un curso académico completo de una titulación.
Academic fees for students who enter Nebrija University for the first time and complete a full academic year of a degree.
Degree | Modality | Reservation of place | Enrollment | 10 monthly payments | Final price |
Double degree in Primary Education + Early Childhood Education Primary Education + Early Childhood Education | classroom attendance | 700€ | 2.000€ | 494€ | 7.640€ |
Double degree in Primary Education + Psychology Primary Education + Psychology | classroom attendance | 700€ | 2.000€ | 648€ | 9.180€ |
Double degree in Primary Education + Social Education Primary Education + Social Education | classroom attendance | 700€ | 2.000€ | 610€ | 8.800€ |
Double degree in Social Education + Psychology Social Education + Psychology | classroom attendance | 700€ | 2.000€ | 592€ | 8.620€ |
Degree | Modality | Reservation of place | Enrollment | 10 monthly payments | Final price |
Double degree in Journalism + Audiovisual Communication Journalism + Audiovisual Communication | classroom attendance | 700€ | 2.000€ | 846€ | 11.160€ |
Double degree in Journalism + Strategic Communication, Protocol and Event Organization Journalism + Strategic Communication, Protocol and Event Organization | classroom attendance | 700€ | 2.000€ | 846€ | 11.160€ |
Double degree in Journalism + International Relations Journalism + International Relations | classroom attendance | 700€ | 2.000€ | 860€ | 11.300€ |
Double degree in Audiovisual Communication + Advertising and Public Relations Audiovisual Communication + Advertising and Public Relations | classroom attendance | 700€ | 2.000€ | 1.030€ | 13.000€ |
Double degree in Audiovisual Communication + Digital Design and Multimedia Audiovisual Communication + Digital Design and Multimedia | classroom attendance | 700€ | 2.000€ | 988€ | 12.580€ |
Double degree in Advertising and Public Relations + Marketing Advertising and Public Relations + Marketing | classroom attendance | 700€ | 2.000€ | 996€ | 12.660€ |
Double degree in Advertising and Public Relations + Strategic Communication, Protocol and Event Organization Advertising and Public Relations + Strategic Communication, Protocol and Event Organization | classroom attendance | 700€ | 2.000€ | 1.001€ | 12.710€ |
Double degree in Advertising and Public Relations + Digital Design and Multimedia Advertising and Public Relations + Digital Design and Multimedia | classroom attendance | 700€ | 2.000€ | 1.014€ | 12.840€ |
Double degree in Fine Arts + Digital and Multimedia Design Fine Arts + Digital and Multimedia Design | classroom attendance | 700€ | 2.000€ | 954€ | 12.240€ |
Double degree in Fine Arts + Fashion Design Fine Arts + Fashion Design | classroom attendance | 700€ | 2.000€ | 954€ | 12.240€ |
Double degree in Performing Arts + Audiovisual Communication Performing Arts + Audiovisual Communication | classroom attendance | 700€ | 2.000€ | 971€ | 12.410€ |
Degree | Modality | Reservation of place | Enrollment | 10 monthly payments | Final price |
Double degree in Business Creation, Administration and Management + International Relations Business Creation, Administration and Management + International Relations | classroom attendance | 700€ | 2.000€ | 1.005€ | 12.750€ |
Double degree in Business Creation, Administration and Management + Tourism and Hospitality Management Business Creation, Administration and Management + Tourism and Hospitality Management | classroom attendance | 700€ | 2.000€ | 1.016€ | 12.860€ |
Double degree in Business Creation, Administration and Management + Marketing Business Creation, Administration and Management + Marketing | classroom attendance | 700€ | 2.000€ | 996€ | 12.660€ |
Double degree in Business Creation, Administration and Management + Psychology Business Creation, Administration and Management + Psychology | classroom attendance | 700€ | 2.000€ | 1.080€ | 13.500€ |
Double degree in Business Creation, Administration and Management + Business Analytics Business Creation, Administration and Management + Business Analytics | classroom attendance | 700€ | 2.000€ | 983€ | 12.530€ |
Double degree in Economics and International Business + Business Creation, Administration and Management Economics and International Business + Business Creation, Administration and Management | classroom attendance | 700€ | 2.000€ | 1.018€ | 12.880€ |
Double degree in Economics and International Business + International Relations Economics and International Business + International Relations | classroom attendance | 700€ | 2.000€ | 1.066€ | 13.360€ |
Double degree in Economics and International Business + Law Economics and International Business + Law | classroom attendance | 700€ | 2.000€ | 1.005€ | 12.750€ |
Double degree in Economics and International Business + Business Analytics Economics and International Business + Business Analytics | classroom attendance | 700€ | 2.000€ | 1.018€ | 12.880€ |
Double degree in Tourism and Hospitality Management + Marketing Tourism and Hospitality Management + Marketing | classroom attendance | 700€ | 2.000€ | 537€ | 8.070€ |
Degree | Modality | Reservation of place | Enrollment | 10 monthly payments | Final price |
Double degree in Law + Business Creation, Administration and Management Law + Business Creation, Administration and Management | classroom attendance | 700€ | 2.000€ | 899€ | 11.690€ |
Double degree in Law + International Relations Law + International Relations | classroom attendance | 700€ | 2.000€ | 880€ | 11.500€ |
Double degree in Law + Criminology and Forensic Sciences Law + Criminology and Forensic Sciences | classroom attendance | 700€ | 2.000€ | 924€ | 11.940€ |
Double degree in International Relations + Strategic Communication, Protocol and Event Organization International Relations + Strategic Communication, Protocol and Event Organization | classroom attendance | 700€ | 2.000€ | 875€ | 11.450€ |
Double degree in International Relations + Applied Modern Languages International Relations + Applied Modern Languages | classroom attendance | 700€ | 2.000€ | 1.035€ | 13.050€ |
Degree | Modality | Reservation of place | Enrollment | 10 monthly payments | Final price |
Double degree in Mechanical Engineering + Automobile Engineering Mechanical Engineering + Automobile Engineering | classroom attendance | 700€ | 2.000€ | 1.331€ | 16.010€ |
Double degree in Industrial Design Engineering and Product Development + Automobile Engineering Industrial Design Engineering and Product Development + Automobile Engineering | classroom attendance | 700€ | 2.000€ | 1.331€ | 16.010€ |
Double degree in Fundamentals of Architecture + Interior Design Fundamentals of Architecture + Interior Design | classroom attendance | 700€ | 2.000€ | 1.071€ | 13.410€ |
Double degree in Applied Mathematics + Applied Physics Applied Mathematics + Applied Physics | classroom attendance | 700€ | 2.000€ | 1.071€ | 13.410€ |
Degree | Modality | Reservation of place | Enrollment | 10 monthly payments | Final price |
Double degree in Psychology + Criminology and Forensic Sciences Psychology + Criminology and Forensic Sciences | classroom attendance | 700€ | 1.500€ | 655€ | 8.750€ |
(a) Los precios reseñados se refieren a alumnos de nuevo ingreso, que realizan el curso académico completo y respecto al primer curso de la Titulación correspondiente.
Las tarifas aplicables al 2º curso y subsiguientes, especialmente en el caso de las Dobles titulaciones de Grado, pueden presentar variaciones y deberán ser consultados en el Portal del Alumno
(a) The prices listed refer to new students, who are taking the entire academic year and the first year of the corresponding Degree.
The fees applicable to the 2nd and subsequent years, especially in the case of Double Degree programs, may vary and should be consulted in the Student Portal.
Honorarios académicos para alumnos que ingresan por primera vez en la Universidad Nebrija y para realizar un curso académico completo.
Academic fees for students who enter Nebrija University for the first time and complete a full academic year of a degree.
Degree | Modality | Reservation of place | Enrollment | 10 monthly payments | Final price |
Master's Degree in Spanish as a Foreign Language: Didactics and Research Spanish as a Foreign Language: Didactics and ResearchDifusión | classroom attendance online | 800€800€ | 910€850€ | 575€345€ | 7.460€5.100€ |
Master's Degree in Bilingual Education Bilingual Education | online | 800€ | 840€ | 355€ | 5.190€ |
Master's Degree in Teacher Training for Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Language Teaching Teacher Training for Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Language Teaching | blended | 800€ | 840€ | 520€ | 6.840€ |
Master's Degree in Information and Communication Technologies for Digital Education and Learning Information and Communication Technologies for Digital Education and Learning | online | 800€ | 500€ | 460€ | 5.900€ |
Master's Degree in Educational Teaching and Learning Processes Educational Teaching and Learning Processes | online | 800€ | 830€ | 515€ | 6.780€ |
Master's Degree in Cognition and Emotion in Educational Centers Cognition and Emotion in Educational Centers | classroom attendance | 800€ | 820€ | 430€ | 5.920€ |
Master's Degree in Behavior Problems in Educational Centers Behavior Problems in Educational Centers | online | 800€ | 760€ | 525€ | 6.810€ |
Master's Degree in Attention to Educational Diversity and Special Educational Needs Attention to Educational Diversity and Special Educational Needs | online | 800€ | 880€ | 510€ | 6.780€ |
Master's Degree in Teaching Methodologies Teaching Methodologies | online | 800€ | 500€ | 460€ | 5.900€ |
Master's Degree in Direction and Digital Transformation of Educational Centers Direction and Digital Transformation of Educational Centers | online | 800€ | 800€ | 560€ | 7.200€ |
Master's Degree in Advanced Studies in Giftedness and Talent Development Advanced Studies in Giftedness and Talent Development | online | 800€ | 800€ | 560€ | 7.200€ |
Master's Degree in Language Development and Communication Difficulties Language Development and Communication Difficulties | online | 800€ | 750€ | 515€ | 6.700€ |
Master's Degree in Educational Governance Educational Governance | online | 800€ | 750€ | 385€ | 5.400€ |
Master's Degree in Educational Quality and Innovation Educational Quality and Innovation | online | 800€ | 800€ | 359€ | 5.190€ |
Master's Degree in Early Childhood Intervention Early Childhood Intervention | online | 800€ | 750€ | 365€ | 5.200€ |
Master's Degree in Research in the Teaching-Learning of Mathematics Research in the Teaching-Learning of Mathematics | online | 800€ | 750€ | 515€ | 6.700€ |
Master's Degree in Research in Universal Design for Inclusive Learning and Education Research in Universal Design for Inclusive Learning and Education | online | 800€ | 500€ | 460€ | 5.900€ |
Degree | Modality | Reservation of place | Enrollment | 10 monthly payments | Final price |
Master's Degree in Journalism in TV Journalism in TV | classroom attendance | 800€ | 1.790€ | 1.030€ | 12.890€ |
Master's Degree in Digital and Data Journalism Digital and Data Journalism20 minutos | classroom attendance online | 800€800€ | 1.560€840€ | 830€455€ | 10.660€6.190€ |
Master's Degree in Direction and Production of Fiction Series Direction and Production of Fiction SeriesPokeepsie Films | classroom attendance | 800€ | 1.560€ | 830€ | 10.660€ |
Master's Degree in Political Communication and Crisis and Emergency Management Political Communication and Crisis and Emergency Management | classroom attendance online | 800€800€ | 1.560€840€ | 830€455€ | 10.660€6.190€ |
Master's Degree in Radio, Podcasts and Digital Audio Radio, Podcasts and Digital AudioCadena SER | classroom attendance | 800€ | 1.560€ | 830€ | 10.660€ |
Master's Degree in Sports Journalism and Broadcasting Sports Journalism and Broadcasting | classroom attendance | 800€ | 1.770€ | 852€ | 11.090€ |
Master's Degree in Creation of Entertainment Programs Creation of Entertainment ProgramsFremantle | classroom attendance | 800€ | 1.600€ | 650€ | 8.900€ |
Master's Degree in Integrated Advertising Management Integrated Advertising Management BBDO&Proximity | classroom attendance | 800€ | 1.610€ | 1.100€ | 13.410€ |
Master's Degree in Marketing and Digital Advertising Marketing and Digital Advertising | online | 800€ | 840€ | 455€ | 6.190€ |
Master's Degree in Organization and Event Management Organization and Event Management109 Events & Experiences by Newlink | classroom attendance online | 800€800€ | 1.600€550€ | 650€320€ | 8.900€4.550€ |
Master's Degree in Art Market and Management of Related Companies Art Market and Management of Related Companies | classroom attendance | 800€ | 1.790€ | 1.030€ | 12.890€ |
Degree | Modality | Reservation of place | Enrollment | 10 monthly payments | Final price |
Master's Degree in Strategic Management of Smart Tourism Destinations Strategic Management of Smart Tourism Destinations | online | 800€ | 820€ | 665€ | 8.270€ |
Degree | Modality | Reservation of place | Enrollment | 10 monthly payments | Final price |
Master's Degree in Legal Practice and Representation Legal Practice and Representation (1) | classroom attendance online | 800€800€ | 810€860€ | 785€ (x15)455€ (x15) | 13.385€8.485€ |
Master's Degree in International Humanitarian Law, Human Rights and Operational Law International Humanitarian Law, Human Rights and Operational Law | classroom attendance online | 800€800€ | 800€820€ | 786€565€ | 9.460€7.270€ |
Master's Degree in Occupational Risk Prevention Occupational Risk Prevention | online | 400€ | 430€ | 255€ | 3.380€ |
Master's Degree in Security and Defense Security and Defense | online | 800€ | 810€ | 505€ | 6.660€ |
Master's Degree in Data Protection and Security Data Protection and Security | online | 800€ | 800€ | 620€ | 7.800€ |
Master's Degree in Intelligence Analysis and Cyberintelligence Intelligence Analysis and Cyberintelligence | online | 800€ | 820€ | 605€ | 7.670€ |
Master's Degree in Cybercrime Cybercrime | blended online | 800€800€ | 1.500€820€ | 585€515€ | 8.150€6.770€ |
Master's Degree in International Relations International Relations | classroom attendance online | 800€800€ | 1.530€830€ | 910€572€ | 11.430€7.350€ |
Master's Degree in Conflict Risk Management Conflict Risk Management | online | 800€ | 820€ | 690€ | 8.520€ |
(1) Programa configurado a 15 mensualidades.
(1) Program set to 15 monthly payment.
Degree | Modality | Reservation of place | Enrollment | 10 monthly payments | Final price |
MBA Tech - Master in Business Administration Master in Business Administration | classroom attendance online | 800€800€ | 1.700€800€ | 1.266€714€ | 15.160€8.740€ |
Master in Management Management | classroom attendance online | 800€800€ | 1.800€810€ | 1.082€661€ | 13.420€8.220€ |
Master's Degree in Business Analytics Business Analytics | classroom attendance | 800€ | 1.705€ | 1.263€ | 15.135€ |
Master's Degree in Leadership and Strategic People Management Leadership and Strategic People Management | classroom attendance online | 800€800€ | 1.800€830€ | 1.130€440€ | 13.900€6.030€ |
Master's Degree in Project Management and Organization Project Management and Organization | online | 800€ | 800€ | 415€ | 5.750€ |
Master's Degree in Sales Management and Data Sales Management and Data | classroom attendance | 800€ | 1.800€ | 890€ | 11.500€ |
Executive Master in Management of AI & Machine Learning Management of AI & Machine Learning | face-to-face / hybrid | 800€ | 1.750€ | 935€ | 11.900€ |
Master's Degree in Advanced Finance + Certified European Financial Analyst (CEFA) accredited by EFFAS Advanced Finance + Certified European Financial Analyst (CEFA) accredited by EFFAS | classroom attendance | 800€ | 1.600€ | 779€ | 10.190€ |
Degree | Modality | Reservation of place | Enrollment | 10 monthly payments | Final price |
Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering Industrial Engineering (1) | classroom attendance | 800€ | 1.720€ | 1.175€ | 14.270€ |
Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering + Master in Management Industrial Engineering + Master in Management(3) | classroom attendance | 800€ | 1.680€ | 1.540€ | 17.880€ |
Master's Degree in Industrial Design Industrial Design | classroom attendance | 800€ | 1.640€ | 910€ | 11.540€ |
Master's Degree in Motorsport Engineering Motorsport Engineering | classroom attendance | 800€ | 1.660€ | 935€ | 11.810€ |
Master's Degree in Photovoltaic Energy Projects: Technical Aspects and Management Photovoltaic Energy Projects: Technical Aspects and Management | classroom attendance | 800€ | 800€ | 830€ | 9.900€ |
Master's Degree in Architecture Architecture | blended | 800€ | 1.800€ | 1.195€ | 14.550€ |
Master's Degree in Design, Development and Management of Interior Design Projects Design, Development and Management of Interior Design Projects | classroom attendance blended | 800€800€ | 1.730€1.730€ | 1.015€1.015€ | 12.680€12.680€ |
Master's Degree in BIM and Digital Twin Management BIM and Digital Twin Management | blended | 800€ | 800€ | 533€ | 6.930€ |
Master's Degree in Construction Project Management Construction Project Management | online | 800€ | 870€ | 790€ | 9.570€ |
Master's Degree in Quantum Computing Quantum Computing | hybrid | 800€ | 830€ | 515€ | 6.780€ |
Master's Degree in Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, and Tokenization Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, and Tokenization | classroom attendance | 800€ | 870€ | 790€ | 9.570€ |
Master's Degree in Cybersecurity. Engineering and Management Cybersecurity. Engineering and Management | classroom attendance | 800€ | 870€ | 790€ | 9.570€ |
Master's Degree in Agile Frameworks: Culture, Scaling, Deliverables and Transformations Agile Frameworks: Culture, Scaling, Deliverables and Transformations | classroom attendance | 800€ | 870€ | 790€ | 9.570€ |
(1) Programa configurado a 120 ECTS. La tarifa está calculada para 60 créditos del primer curso. Segundo curso: Matricula 2.520 + 11.750
(2) Programa configurado a 18 mensualidades.
(3) *Programa configurado a 2 cursos. La tarifa corresponde al primero año. Segundo año 19.100€ (incluye estancia en Berkeley). Segundo curso: Matricula 2.480€ + 16.620€ honorarios docencia.
(1) Program configured at 120 ECTS. The fee is calculated for 60 credits of the first course. Second course: Registration 2,520 + 11,750
(2) Program set to 18 monthly payment.
(3) Program configured for 2 courses. The rate corresponds to the first year. Second year €19,100 (includes stay in Berkeley). Second year: Registration €2,480 + €16,620 teaching fees.
Degree | Modality | Reservation of place | Enrollment | 10 monthly payments | Final price |
Master's Degree in Bioinformatics Bioinformatics | classroom attendance | 800€ | 840€ | 970€ | 11.340€ |
Master's Degree in Human Microbiota Human MicrobiotaIlustre Colegio Oficial de Médicos de Madrid | hybrid | 800€ | 850€ | 485€ | 6.500€ |
Master's Degree in Medical-Surgical Lasers for Dermatoaesthetic Procedures Medical-Surgical Lasers for Dermatoaesthetic Procedures | blended | 800€ | 840€ | 390€ (x15) | 7.490€ |
Master's Degree in General Health Psychology General Health Psychology | classroom attendance | 800€ | 860€ | 645€ (x15) | 11.335€ |
Master's Degree in Psychopedagogy Psychopedagogy | online | 800€ | 830€ | 515€ | 6.780€ |
Master's Degree in Neuropsychology Neuropsychology | classroom attendance online | 800€800€ | 800€850€ | 870€615€ | 10.300€7.800€ |
Honorarios académicos para alumnos que ingresan por primera vez en la Universidad Nebrija y para realizar un curso académico completo de una titulación.
Descuento por pago único de 2% aplicado a las mensualidades, excepto Programas de Ciencias de la Salud.
Academic fees for students who enter Nebrija University for the first time and complete a full academic year of a degree.
Discount for single payment of 2% applied to monthly payments, except Health Sciences Programs.
Degree | Modality | Reservation of place | Enrollment | 10 monthly payments | Final price |
Program for Management Development, Women in STEM/Engineering and Management Management Development, Women in STEM/Engineering and Management(1) | blended | 780€ | 750€ | 1.275€ (x2) | 4.080€ |
Course of Expert in National and International Tax Consulting Expert in National and International Tax Consulting | classroom attendance | 800€ | 800€ | 330€ | 4.900€ |
Course of Expert in Corporate Law Expert in Corporate LawSagardoy | classroom attendance | 800€ | 800€ | 330€ | 4.900€ |
Executive Program of Executive Program in Insurance Law and Risk Management Executive Program in Insurance Law and Risk Management | classroom attendance | 800€ | 800€ | 330€ | 4.900€ |
Specialist Diploma in Economic Information Economic Information | blended | 4.500€ | |||
Superior Program of Appraisal of Works of Art and Antiques Appraisal of Works of Art and Antiques | blended | 550€ | 1.650€ | 2.200€ | |
Course in Artificial Intelligence and Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language Artificial Intelligence and Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language | online | 250€ | |||
Course in Research Methodology in Applied Linguistics for Language Teaching Research Methodology in Applied Linguistics for Language Teaching | classroom attendance | 1.488€ | |||
Course in COVID-19: a Global Perspective COVID-19: a Global Perspective | online | 300€ | |||
Course in How to Motivate and Involve Others with Communication How to Motivate and Involve Others with Communication | online | 150€ | |||
Course in The Art of Helping and Caring for Yourself (I) The Art of Helping and Caring for Yourself (I) | online | 240€ | |||
Course in The Art of Helping and Caring for Yourself (II) The Art of Helping and Caring for Yourself (II) | online | 240€ | |||
Course in How to speak in public with acting techniques How to speak in public with acting techniques | online | 225€ | |||
Course in Conflict Management in the health field Conflict Management in the health field | online | 375€ | |||
Course in Basic statistics for health professionals Basic statistics for health professionals | online | 375€ | |||
Course in Data Management and Analysis with SPSS for Health Professionals (Basic Level) Data Management and Analysis with SPSS for Health Professionals (Basic Level) | online | 375€ | |||
Course in Respiratory Physiotherapy in Post-COVID Patients Respiratory Physiotherapy in Post-COVID Patients | classroom attendance | 410€ | |||
Course in Nursing Care for Persons with Drug Addiction Nursing Care for Persons with Drug Addiction | online | 375€ | |||
Course in Nursing Care in Pediatrics Nursing Care in Pediatrics | online | 375€ | |||
Course in Urgent Nursing care for Acute Cardiological Patients Urgent Nursing care for Acute Cardiological Patients | online | 375€ | |||
Course in Urgent Nursing Care for patients with acute respiratory syndrome Urgent Nursing Care for patients with acute respiratory syndrome | online | 375€ | |||
Course in Refresher Course on Hospital Pediatrics Refresher Course on Hospital Pediatrics | online | 188€ | |||
Course in Refresher Course on Frequent Medical Emergencies Refresher Course on Frequent Medical Emergencies | online | 310€ | |||
Course in Refresher Course on Pediatrics for Primary Care and Emergency Physicians Refresher Course on Pediatrics for Primary Care and Emergency Physicians | online | 288€ | |||
Course in E-Fast Ultrasound in the Emergency Room E-Fast Ultrasound in the Emergency Room | classroom attendance | 210€ | |||
Course in Basic Life Support with defibrillator (AED) Basic Life Support with defibrillator (AED) | classroom attendance | 160€ | |||
Course in Immediate Life Support Immediate Life Support | classroom attendance | 635€ | |||
Workshop in Minor Surgery and Sutures Minor Surgery and Sutures | classroom attendance | 375€ | |||
Course in University Access for over 25 years University Access for over 25 years | online | 550€ | 925€ | 1.475€ |
(1) Excepto Empresas
(1) Except Companies
Nebrija University will reimburse the amount of registration and/or enrollment fees to those candidates admitted conditionally who had made the payment and who, in the end, had not fulfilled the official requirements for admission to Spanish university. This reimbursement will take place in October, after convincing proof of this situation is provided by the candidate.
The University reserves the right not to impart degrees that do not reach the minimum number of students for good academic development.
The University reserves the right to modify the teaching campus of the degrees, in the event that organizational reasons are necessary for good academic development.