Master’s Degree in Political Communication and Crisis and Emergency Management

Specialized and transversal education to face Political Communication with an international perspective
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Master's Degree in Political Communication and Crisis and Emergency Management

Specialize in political communication and its communication and marketing strategies in institutions, cabinets, consultancies or political parties

The Master's Degree in Political Communication and Crisis and Emergency Management teaches students how to transform communication into an adequate and essential instrument with which organizations of all kinds meet their objectives and serve society. In addition, the program includes the areas of crisis and reputation management and emergency resolution in the communication environment.

Communication permeates all levels of politics that interact with the social sphere, both from institutions as well as private companies that must regulate dealings with power. The institutional situation in Spain, and in the rest of the surrounding countries, is undergoing substantial changes that imply a correct use of communication, transformed in recent years by the new paradigm of digitalization.

This official degree, which is endorsed by the Political Communication Association (ACOP), aims to offer students comprehensive, advanced, specialized and transversal education to face Political Communication with an international and global perspective at a delicate moment, which is prone to the proliferation of disinformation and fake news. Likewise, it aims to teach them to handle the digital tools that have broken into the communication processes, such as bots, deepfakes, in short, artificial intelligence that makes highly controlled strategies necessary both in electoral processes, and in situations of reputation crisis management or emergencies for private companies and non-governmental organizations. These strategies are developed in both the public and private spheres.

We like politics. From the Master's Degree in Political Communication and Crisis and Emergency Management, we think that we can contribute our knowledge to increase the effectiveness of political communication. We believe that the quality of the information that reaches citizens can be improved, and we strive to offer students the necessary tools to achieve this goal. We combine the professional experience of professors, who are currently or have been immersed in positions of responsibility at the highest level, and PhDs with extensive experience in the field of research.
Javier Chivite FernándezDirector of the Master's Degree in Political Communication and Crisis and Emergency Management
Among our faculty we have professors who have directed communication strategies, who have managed climatic and social emergencies, and who have defined the lines of work to overcome national political crises. And we also have doctors who provide students with the necessary skills to function in the field of science linked to political communication. Our Master's degree is an official degree, which allows students to continue with their doctoral studies and increases their job opportunities.
Javier Chivite FernándezDirector of the Master's Degree in Political Communication and Crisis and Emergency Management
We train professionals of the present and the future, who master social networks, who know how to identify and neutralize rumors and fake news, who develop communication strategies, who lead teams, who supervise lines of work and the organization of electoral campaigns, that take part in social gatherings and that know in depth the social reality not only of our country, but also of the countries around us, both in Europe and in Latin America.
Javier Chivite FernándezDirector of the Master's Degree in Political Communication and Crisis and Emergency Management
“The professors who come from the professional world try to contribute to the Master's degree a real perspective of the profession of Political Communication. We have managed communication in our organizations, political parties and institutions, and we present real cases to the students where we analyze the positive and negative aspects, and the solutions that we have implemented in each case. Studying for this Master's degree is a challenge and a constant search for excellence to offer the best quality in teaching. Students learn day by day to function in a changing and diverse context, which constantly demands the best of us.
Ana Vázquez ToscanoProfessor of the subject "Media planning and relations with the press in crisis and conflicts"

With the guarantee of the Political Communication Association (ACOP)

Our master's degree has the guarantee of the Political Communication Association (ACOP), a forum for the exchange of knowledge, opinions and experiences of information and political communication professionals.

The Master combines the acquisition of knowledge in the field of communication and political marketing with solid notions of contemporary political analysis.

Regular collaborating companies in the master's degree

camara civica
th1nking heads

Master's degree with professional and research orientation


BOE núm. 173, de 20 de julio de 2022
All our degrees and curricula have been prepared in accordance with the new guidelines set by current legislation, having already been verified by the National Agency for Quality Assessment.
The student must take 60 credits

First Semester 30 ECTS credits

  • From October to January, both included
  • 3 ECTS | Institutional structure and analysis of the communication environment
  • 3 ECTS | Strategic Communication Management: Intangibles Management and Corporate Reputation
  • 3 ECTS | Fundamentals of protocol in organizational communication
  • 3 ECTS | Design and Planning of Institutional Communication Campaigns I: society, audiences, strategic trends and creation processes
  • 3 ECTS | Design and Planning of Institutional Communication Campaigns II: strategic plan and assessment of effectiveness
  • 3 ECTS | Communication in crisis and emergencies
  • 3 ECTS | Media planning and relations with the press in crisis and conflicts
  • 3 ECTS | Post-crisis management models
  • 3 ECTS | National and international political environment
  • 3 ECTS | Data analysis for political communication: propaganda, political marketing, mediatization and cyberpolitics

Second Semester 32 ECTS credits

  • From February to June, both included
  • 3 ECTS | Design and Planning of Electoral Campaigns I: political sociology, electoral strategy and legal problems
  • 3 ECTS | Design and Planning of Electoral Campaigns II: communication management and organization of electoral events and acts
  • 3 ECTS | Disinformation and electoral campaigns: Microsegmentation in social media and Fake News
  • 3 ECTS | Spokesperson and public speech
  • 3 ECTS | Political consulting and image
  • 3 ECTS | Political consulting and image
  • 6 ECTS | Master's Final Research Project
  • 6 ECTS | Professional internships (business internships)
  • 6 ECTS | Research Methodology in Communication Sciences

More info about the subjects



Profesores Professors Porcentaje de Doctores (ECTS) Percentage of PhD holders (ECTS)
28 63,64%
David del Pino Díaz David del Pino Díaz Director del Máster en Comunicación Política y Gestión de Crisis y Emergencias.
Profesor de Estructura Institucional y Análisis del entorno comunicacional y Trabajo fin de Máster
Director of the Master's Degree in Political Communication and Crisis and Emergency Management.
Professor of Institutional Structure and Analysis of the communication environment
Doctor en Sociología de la Cultura y Máster en comunicación política por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Graduado en Ciencias Políticas. Ha centrado su carrera investigadora en cómo se construye el carisma en las sociedades contemporáneas, la centralidad del campo mediático como actor primordial dentro del campo de poder, y en la conformación de mitos políticos a través de series de televisión. También es profesor en el Grado de Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas de la Facultad de Comunicación y Artes de la universidad Nebrija. Daniel Ayllón Martínez Daniel Ayllón Martínez Profesor de Planificación de medios y relaciones con la prensa en crisis y conflictos Professor of Media Planning and Press Relations in Crises and Conflicts Actual director de gabinete del Ministro de Consumo. Desde 2015, es asesor de Comunicación Política: jefe de prensa de grupo parlamentario en el Congreso de los Diputados (2015-2019) y director de comunicación en el Ministerio de Consumo (2020-2023). Ha participado en 16 campañas electorales. Previamente, trabajó 15 años como periodista, en los que formó parte del equipo fundador de tres publicaciones (Público, La Marea y Ahora) y colaboró con programas de radio y televisión. Licenciado en Periodismo (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Executive Master in Public Administration (ESADE), Diplomado en Comunicación Política y Campañas Electorales (UNTREF, Buenos Aires) y Técnico en Comunicación Integral (Universidad Francisco de Vitoria). Javier Ayuso Rojo Javier Ayuso Rojo Profesor de Comunicación en crisis y emergencias Professor of Communication in crisis and emergencies Licenciado en Periodismo por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Especializado en comunicación de emergencias desde hace más de 20 años. Coordinador del Gabinete de Comunicación de Emergencias 112 Comunidad de Madrid. Durante su trayectoria profesional ha gestionado la información de grandes sucesos, como los atentados del 11 de marzo de 2004, el incendio en el edificio Windsor de Madrid, el atentado en la Terminal 4 del Aeropuerto de Barajas en 2006, o la borrasca Filomena. Medalla al Mérito de Protección Civil concedida por la Dirección General de Protección Civil y Emergencias del Ministerio del Interior en 2018 al equipo de comunicación de Emergencias 112 Comunidad de Madrid. Ha participado, como experto internacional, en el programa PPRD (Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Disasters) de la Unión Europea. Eduardo Bayón García Eduardo Bayón García Profesor de Diseño y planificación de campañas de comunicación institucional I: sociedad, públicos, tendencias estratégicas y procesos de creación Professor of Design and planning of institutional communication campaigns I: society, audiences, strategic trends and creation processes Consultor en comunicación pública y estrategia. Entre las materias de su labor profesional se encuentran, además de la comunicación y el liderazgo, el análisis político y electoral. También es colaborador habitual en diferentes medios de comunicación, tanto escritos, como radiofónicos. Doctorando en Ciencia Política; es Graduado en Ciencias Políticas y Administración por la UNED; con Máster en Derechos Fundamentales; Experto Universitario en Relaciones Institucionales y Protocolo; y Licenciado en Derecho por la Universidad de Oviedo. Juan Miguel Becerra Vila Juan Miguel Becerra Vila Profesor de Diseño y Planificación de campañas electorales I: sociología política, estrategia electoral y problemática jurídica Professor of Design and Planning of electoral campaigns I: political sociology, electoral strategy and legal problems Doctor en Pensamiento y Análisis Político, Democracia y Ciudadanía por la Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla. Licenciado en Ciencias Políticas y Sociología por la UNED. Ha realizado el Máster Universitario en Consultoría, Análisis y Pensamiento Político. En la actualidad trabaja como director del departamento de análisis del PSOE. Fundador y director de la consultoría electoral SW Demoscopia. Ha participado en la dirección de campañas electorales en diferentes ámbitos territoriales en España, en más de 1000 sondeos electorales y de opinión desde 1995. Es coordinador e investigador en numerosos estudios cualitativos, en el Laboratorio de Ideas y Prácticas políticas LIPPO, en Universidad Pablo de Olavide. Articulista en infolibre y distintos diarios andaluces. Tania Brandariz Portela Tania Brandariz Portela Profesora de Análisis de datos para la comunicación política: propaganda, marketing politica, mediatización y ciberpolítica Professor of Data analysis for political communication: propaganda, political marketing, mediatization and cyberpolitics Doctora en Periodismo por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Máster Universitario en Estudios Avanzados en Comunicación Política. Profesora de Opinión Pública y Marketing Político. Investiga sobre los marcos de interpretación políticos del feminismo y el antifeminismo, publicando artículos científicos y capítulos de libro sobre la temática. Pertenece al grupo de investigación Estudios literarios y culturales y estudios de género, en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Por otro lado, ha colaborado con European Journalism Observatory, The Conversation y la Revista de la Asociación de Comunicación Política.
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Carmen Carmona Ramos Carmen Carmona Ramos Profesora de Diseño y planificación de campañas de comunicación institucional II: plan estratégico y evaluación de eficacia Professor of Design and planning of institutional communication campaigns II: strategic plan and effectiveness evaluation Licenciada en Ciencias de la Información (Periodismo) por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Máster en dirección de Protocolo, Producción, Organización y Diseño de Eventos por la Universidad Camilo José Cela (título oficial). Adjunta al jefe de prensa de la presidenta de la Comunidad de Madrid. A la vez que estudiaba Periodismo en la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, colaboraba con diversos medios de comunicación, como Antena 3 Radio Salamanca, RNE – Radio 5 Salamanca o el semanario Tribuna Universitaria. Tras varios años en las redacciones de Onda Cero y Cadena SER en Madrid, comenzaba una trayectoria de dos décadas en comunicación política e institucional, primero en el Ayuntamiento de Alcalá de Henares y, desde 2017, en la Comunidad de Madrid. Mª Mar Castro Maestre María del Mar Castro Maestre Profesora de Consultoría e Imagen política Professor of Consulting and Political Image Doctora en Comunicación por la Universidad de Vigo. Acreditada por ANECA. Profesora universitaria y asesora empresarial en España y Latinoamérica. Autora de siete publicaciones y creadora del blog de comunicación: Ganadora The Napolitan Victory Awards 2019, categoría Mujeres Influyentes COMPOL. Referente gallega en Comunicación, reconocimiento concedido por Executivas de Galicia. Javier Chivite Fernández Javier Chivite Fernández Profesor de Comunicación en Crisis y emergencias Professor of Crisis and Emergency Communication Doctor en Periodismo por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Acreditado por ANECA. Licenciado en Periodismo, es profesor universitario desde el año 2005. Ha trabajado en la cadena COPE, en la diputación de Toledo y en Radio Intercontinental. En la actualidad, es portavoz del Centro de Emergencias 112 de la Comunidad de Madrid, colaborando en la gestión de la comunicación en situaciones de crisis y emergencias como la nevada que originó la borrasca Filomena, incendios forestales y fenómenos meteorológicos adversos. Está en posesión de la Medalla al Mérito de Protección Civil en la categoría de Bronce y con distintivo Blanco concedida por la Dirección General de Protección Civil y Emergencias del Ministerio del Interior en 2018 al equipo de comunicación de Emergencias 112 Comunidad de Madrid. Diana Cortecero Esquivel Diana Cortecero Esquivel Profesora de Modelos de gestión postcrisis Professor of Post-Crisis Management Models Licenciada en Comunicación por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, cuenta con más de 17 años de experiencia en comunicación corporativa y financiera asesorando a clientes de los sectores financiero, energético, consultoría e industria cultural, entre otros. Actualmente forma parte del equipo de la consultora estratégica []Harmon. Antes de su incorporación a esta firma, desarrolló su carrera como directora de cuentas en la agencia Comco, y anteriormente como consultora en Estudio de Comunicación, donde participó también en la coordinación del área de formación de portavoces y gestión de la red internacional de la compañía. Además, ha colaborado en medios como Forbes, El Publicista o El Periódico de la Publicidad y dirige la plataforma de apoyo a la música española LaFonoteca. Juan Ignacio Estévez Rubín de Celis Juan Ignacio Estévez Rubín de Celis Profesor de Entorno político nacional e internacional Professor of National and International Political Environment Politólogo, Doctor en Ciencia Política (UCM), máster en estudios de América Latina. Su investigación se centra en entender el impacto de las ideas y discursos políticos en las instituciones. Además de la docencia e investigación, se ha desempeñado en la gestión académica, evaluación de proyectos, evaluación de sistemas de garantía de calidad o en la elaboración de informes de gestión y consultoría. Mercedes Herrero de la Fuente Mercedes Herrero de la Fuente Profesora de Metodología de la investigación en Ciencias de la Comunicación y Trabajo fin de Máster Professor of Research Methodology in Communication Sciences Doctora en Ciencias de la Información por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y profesora acreditada para universidad pública y privada por la ACAP. Máster en Periodismo Radiofónico (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) y Máster en Lingüística Aplicada (Universidad Antonio de Nebrija). Coordinadora del Programa de Doctorado Innovación en Comunicación Digital y Medios (Facultad de Comunicación de Artes, Universidad Antonio de Nebrija). Miembro del claustro permanente de la Universidad Nebrija desde 2015, donde ha dirigido el Máster en Periodismo Digital y de Datos (2016-2021) y el Máster en Periodismo en Televisión (2015-2019) y participado en el diseño académico de otros postgrados, como el Máster en Periodismo y Retransmisiones Deportivas. En esta universidad imparte clase en grado y postgrado. En asignaturas relacionadas con la producción televisiva, la realización de documentales y reportajes y la actualidad internacional. Ha sido docente en otras universidades, como la UCM y la Universidad Camilo José Cela, en especial en el área de postgrado. Ha desarrollado su labor investigadora en diferentes universidades extranjeras, como la Cornell University (EE.UU.), la University of Salford (Reino Unido), la Radboud Universiteit (Países Bajos) y la Univerzita Karlova (República Checa). Álvaro Lario Ruiz Álvaro Lario Ruiz Profesor de Diseño y planificación de campañas electorales I: sociología política, estrategia electoral y problemática jurídica Professor of Design and planning of electoral campaigns I: political sociology, electoral strategy and legal problems Graduado en Ciencias Políticas con mención en Periodismo por la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Máster en Formación del Profesorado por la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Cuenta con formación especializada en Marketing y Negociación por la Universidad Claude Bernard de Lyon. En la actualidad trabaja como profesor de Economía en Enseñanza Secundaria, Bachillerato y FP en centros públicos y concertados de la Comunidad de Madrid. Ha trabajado en asesoría de comunicación en instituciones como el Congreso de los Diputados (2018-2021), el Ministerio de Transportes, Movilidad y Agenda Urbana (2021-2023), el Consejo Superior de Deportes (2023) o la Fundación Hay Derecho (2016-2017). También ha impartido programas formativos de comunicación política y liderazgo en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras y colaborado en diversos medios como analista. Manuel López Blázquez Manuel López Blázquez Profesor de Portavocía y discurso público Professor of Spokesperson and public speaking Es licenciado en Historia del Arte. Profesor de Historia del Arte y de Comunicación Política. Ha sido coordinador de la Secretaría de Cultura del PSOE, director del Gabinete de Carmen Chacón cuando fue ministra de Defensa, director adjunto del Gabinete del Vicepresidente del Gobierno, y director del Gabinete del Secretario General del PSOE. Iago Moreno Álvarez Iago Moreno Álvarez Profesor de Modelos de gestión postcrisis Professor of Post-Crisis Management Models Graduado en Ciencias Sociales y MPhil en Sociología por la Universidad de Cambridge. Master en Cultura Digital y Medios Emergentes por la Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Ha trabajado como director creativo y responsable de estrategia digital en diferentes campañas de España y América Latina, especializándose en el uso de nuevas plataformas y medios como TikTok, así como en los usos creativos de la Inteligencia Artificial Generativa. Como sociólogo especializado en cultura y política digital, está a cargo de las secciones "Naufragos Digitales" (El Balcó, Cadena Ser) y Estrategias Digitales en Comunicación Política (Revista ACOP). Actualmente, trabaja como analista internacional de campañas de desinformación y manipulación digital. Victoria Isabel Moreno Gil Victoria Isabel Moreno Gil Profesora tutora de Prácticas profesionales Tutor Professor of Professional Practices Doctora en Periodismo por la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid y licenciada en Periodismo y Comunicación Audiovisual por la misma universidad. Combina su labor docente con la de investigadora en el campo de la ética periodística y la alfabetización mediática. Ha participado como ponente en distintos seminarios académicos y, recientemente, ha realizado una estancia postdoctoral en calidad de profesora visitante en la Universidad Pompeu Fabra. Su trayectoria profesional está ligada a la docencia y al ejercicio del periodismo en distintos medios de comunicación como redactora: principalmente en televisión (El Mundo TV, Intereconomía), pero también en radio (Cadena Ser), agencia de noticias (EFE) y medios digitales. Asimismo, cuenta con una dilatada experiencia en la cobertura de eventos mediáticos, elaboración de guiones y reportajes audiovisuales como freelance En el marco de la educación no formal, ha impartido clases de Inglés y de Lengua y Literatura. Virginia Navarro Mangado Virginia Navarro Mangado Profesora de Prácticas profesionales (prácticas empresariales) Professor of Professional Practices (Business Internships) Doctora en Comunicación Audiovisual y Publicidad por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Desde 1992 ha desarrollado su actividad profesional como Consultora de Comunicación, especialista en Procesos de Influencia para diversas instituciones entre las que destacan el Ministerio de Defensa (ISFAS), Instituto de Empresa, Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Madrid, Visa Citibank España, American Express, Ayuntamiento de Cuenca, Cepsa, NH Hoteles, Unión Fenosa, Telefónica de España, Instituto Vasco de Administraciones Públicas, Grupo Popular, Santa Lucía Seguros, Laboratorios Wyeth, Morgan Stanley, Antena 3, Iberia, Grupo Cortefiel, Sage, DHL, Crédito y Caución o la Junta de Extremadura. También es directora de Comunicación, Marketing y Recursos Humanos en Security World Wide, S.L.: Diseño, organización y ejecución de las estrategias de comunicación de los espacios dedicados a organización de eventos y espacios de ventas temporales. Como docente ha diseñado e impartido programas formativos en grados y postgrados universitarios (Universidad Nebrija y UCM) y ciclos técnicos superiores (Cámara de Comercio de Madrid) y en su labor investigadora destaca su tesis doctoral (2015) “La incidencia de las campañas electorales en la construcción de la imagen de los hospitales. Las crisis en los hospitales madrileños.” Ana Belén Oliver González Ana Belén Oliver González Profesora de Fundamentos del protocolo en la comunicación organizacional Professor of Fundamentals of Protocol in Organizational Communication Doctora en Ciencias Políticas y Relaciones Internacionales por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Acreditada por ANECA. Profesora de Historia del Ceremonial y Protocolo en el Grado de Comunicación Corporativa y Dirección de Eventos, de la Universidad Nebrija, Madrid. Profesora de las asignaturas Comunicación y Negociación; RSC; y Liderazgo; las tres en el Máster Universitario en Comunicación política y Empresarial de la Universidad Camilo José Cela, Madrid. Sergio Pascual Peña Sergio Pascual Peña Profesor de Diseño y Planificación de Campañas de Comunicación Institucional I: sociedad, públicos, tendencias estratégicas y procesos de creación. Professor of Design and Planning of Institutional Communication Campaigns I: society, audiences, strategic trends and creation processes. Analista político. Colabora desde 2019 en tertulias políticas en la Cadena Ser y en Canal Sur. Fue Secretario de Organización y miembro de su ejecutiva durante la fundación de Podemos en España (2014-2016) y ha sido diputado en el Congreso de este país durante las legislaturas XI y XII. Desde 2008 colabora en misiones de observación electoral y trabajos de consultoría, diseño y análisis demoscópico en Argentina, Colombia, Perú, Bolivia, México, Paraguay y Ecuador. A. Javier Pereira Facón A. Javier Pereira Facón Profesor de Diseño y planificación de campañas de comunicación institucional II: plan estratégico y evaluación de eficacia Professor of Design and planning of institutional communication campaigns II: strategic plan and effectiveness evaluation Licenciado en Periodismo de la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, de Caracas. Especialista en Márketing Político. Premio IPYS Latinoamérica a la mejor cobertura electoral. Ha sido periodista, coordinación de investigación y gerente de contenidos interactivos en el diario El Nacional, de Caracas. Después de más de 10 años dedicándose a la comunicación digital orientada a la política, actualmente es el Responsable de Comunicación Digital y Redes Sociales de la Comunidad de Madrid. A. Javier Pereira Facón Alberto Pérez Mesa Profesor de Planificación de medios y relaciones con la prensa en crisis y conflictos y Portavocía y discurso público Professor of Media Planning and Press Relations in Crises and Conflicts Graduado en Marketing e Investigación de Mercados por la Universidad de Sevilla con Postgrado en Comunicación Política en la Universidad Camilo José Cela. Asesor de Relaciones Institucionales y Comunicación en la Embajada del Sultanato de Omán en España. Alberto Pérez cuenta con una amplia experiencia en comunicación política asesorando a líderes políticos y gestionando campañas electorales, una labor que ha sido reconocida por los Napolitan Victory Awards en 2021 y 2022 en Washington D.C. También ha desarrollado su carrera profesional en el ámbito de los asuntos públicos, impulsando estrategias de incidencia pública para compañías de primer nivel. Miembro del Comité Editorial de la revista de la Asociación de Comunicación Política (ACOP) y analista en Agenda Pública (El País). Francisco Javier Peytibi Carbonel Francisco Javier Peytibi Carbonel Profesor de Diseño y planificación de campañas electorales II: gestión de la comunicación y organización de eventos y actos electorales Professor of Design and planning of electoral campaigns II: communication management and organization of electoral events and acts Licenciado en Ciencias Políticas y Sociología por la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Xavier Peytibi es consultor de comunicación política en ideograma, donde trabaja para 10 países en comunicación estratégica, campañas electorales y comunicación institucional. Es politólogo especializado en relaciones internacionales. Máster en sociedad del conocimiento, Postgrado en cultura de paz y Postgrado en estructura de la Unión Europea. Actualmente es doctorando en Ciencia Política es consultor de comunicación política en ideograma, donde trabaja para 10 países en comunicación estratégica, campañas electorales y comunicación institucional. Es politólogo especializado en relaciones internacionales. Máster en sociedad del conocimiento, Postgrado en cultura de paz y Postgrado en estructura de la Unión Europea. Actualmente es doctorando en Ciencia Política Manuel Rodríguez Morillo Manuel J. Rodríguez Morillo Profesor de Lobbying y Campañas de movilización Professor of Lobbying and Mobilization Campaigns Politólogo y licenciado en Derecho. Consultor político y de innovación social. Analista político en diversos medios, ha trabajado como formador de actores políticos y sociales y es responsable de Incidencia Política de la Red Andaluza contra la Pobreza y la Exclusión Social (EAPN-Andalucía). Asimismo, es codirector de Cámara Cívica, empresa de economía social dedicada a acercar la política a la ciudadanía a través de la educación, el humor y la cultura pop y coordinador de Hateblockers, proyecto de innovación social en colaboración con el Gobierno de Aragón para crear una comunidad de jóvenes ciberactivistas contra el discurso de odio en internet. Celia Sancho Belinchón Celia Sancho Belinchón Profesora de Dirección estratégica de la comunicación: gestión de intangibles y reputación corporativa Professor of Strategic Communication Management: Management of Intangibles and Corporate Reputation Celia Sancho Belinchón es doctora en Comunicación Audiovisual, Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas. Está especializada en comunicación digital, estrategia de comunicación política y comunicación corporativa digital, siendo estas las áreas a las que ha dedicado ocho años de su carrera profesional. Durante los últimos años ha impartido asignaturas relativas a la gestión de contenidos digitales y la comunicación digital en los grados de Periodismo y Comunicación Corporativa. Actualmente es profesora en la facultad de Comunicación y Artes de la Universidad Nebrija y directora del Master de Periodismo Digital y de Datos de esta misma universidad. Cuenta en su currículum con varias publicaciones científicas relativas al estudio de la estrategia digital de los medios de comunicación o el análisis de las plataformas digitales utilizadas en el cine. Carmen Torres Narvaez Carmen Torres Narvaez Profesora de Desinformación y campañas electorales: Microsegmentación en RRSS y Fake news Professor of Disinformation and electoral campaigns: Microsegmentation in RRSS and Fake news Doctora en Ciencias de la Información por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Licenciada en Periodismo, Comunicación Audiovisual, Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas en la Universidad Nebrija. Posee el Máster Universitario en Comunicación Institucional y Política por la Universidad de Sevilla (2012). Ha formado parte del gabinete de prensa de la Universidad de Málaga. De 2014 a 2017 dirigió la comunicación de la Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (OEI). En la actualidad es responsable de relaciones institucionales del Espacio Iberoamericano del Conocimiento en la Secretaría General Iberoamericana (SEGIB), organismo responsable de las Cumbres Iberoamericanas de Jefes de Estado y de Gobierno.
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Career Opportunities

Graduates of this degree will have professional competences related to institutional communication management and political communication management, as well as skills related to digital communication and event design, since they are disciplines closely related to the current political evolution. Likewise, they will be professionals with a high critical sense, knowledgeable about the current political and social reality and the ability for analysis, which are valid qualities when making decisions. They will be able to choose, among others, the following professional profiles:

This professional profile was taken on by Communication and Marketing professionals, but due to the speed of the changes in the media and political scene, specific training with advanced knowledge of organizational methods, tools and leadership skills is becoming more and more essential.


Nebrija University has entered into a Collaboration Agreement for training and employment internships with close to 3,000 companies and institutions. This collaboration aims to enhance the practical education of all its students and facilitate their transition into the professional environment, ensuring university graduates are well-prepared for their initial job experiences.

Labor insertion survey report

Activities in Political Communication and Crisis and Emergency Management

Activities for the 2024-25 academic year


Actividad 11.12.2024
Hemos compartido un rato en la redacción de Newtral, con parte de su equipo, con la periodista Irene Larranz a la cabeza. Nos han contado los temas en los que trabajan en su día a día. Desde la verificación de la información, para evitar bulos, hasta el factchecking del discurso político, pasando por seguimiento regulatorio y producción audiovisual. Hemos estado también con uno de los responsables del programa documental de Newtral, "Gabinete de Crisis" que se emite en La Sexta.
Actividad 11.12.2024
Los alumnos del Máster en Comunicación Política tuvieron la enorme suerte de contar en el aula con la presencia de Valvanuz Serna, cofundadora de la agencia Proa Comunicación. Valvanuz es especialista en comunicación corporativa, principalmente en los sectores de gran consumo y servicios profesionales. Valvanuz se detuvo en la importancia de la preparación de planes de comunicación de crisis y de la centralidad que adquieren en las sociedades altamente mediatizadas los protocolos de actuación y preparación de portavoces.
Actividad 9.12.2024
Uno de los portavoces adjuntos del grupo popular en el Congreso de los Diputados, Pedro Muñoz Abrines, se ha sometido a una entrevista que han realizado alumnos del Máster. El objetivo de esta práctica, que se ha desarrollado en las aulas de la Facultad de Comunicación y Artes, es comprobar cómo se articulan los mensajes en torno a una idea concreta, la mediatización y la espectacularización de la política y el análisis de las ideas fuerza en cada una de las respuestas.
Actividad 3.12.2024
Los alumnos que se quedaron en Madrid acudieron a la Real Casa de Correos, sede de la presidencia de la Comunidad de Madrid, para ser testigos del evento en el que la Comunidad conmemoraba el aniversario de la Constitución española. Allí coincidieron con la presidenta regional, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, con la que compartieron unos minutos. Esta actividad ha sido de gran importancia ya que los alumnos han entendido la relevancia del trabajo de los medios de comunicación en este tipo de eventos, cuyo objetivo es trasladar a la sociedad, a través de los medios de comunicación, un mensaje de estabilidad, coherencia y respeto por la Carta Magna.
Actividad 2.12.2024
Bruselas, capital de la política europea, se convirtió en el aula para nuestros estudiantes del Máster en Comunicación Política y Gestión de Crisis y Emergencia. Una parte importante de los alumnos del máster y algunos profesores realizaron un viaje a Bruselas, para conocer las principales instituciones de la Unión Europea y conocer las posibilidades profesionales en las diferentes instituciones. Han sido unos días fantásticos, llenos de experiencias, aprendizajes y muchos recuerdos. No hay nada mejor que disfrutar de estos momentos con los alumnos del máster, presentes y egresados. Destacar especialmente la conversación con Borja Lasheras, que hasta el día anterior había sido coordinador de políticas de Josep Borrell y asesor especial para Ucrania o la visita al Parlamento europeo, donde tuvimos la inmensa suerte de conversar con la eurodiputada socialista Iratxe García, actual presidenta de la Alianza Progresista de Socialistas y Demócratas en el Parlamento Europeo.
Actividad 27.11.2024
On November 27, students of the Master's Degree in Political Communication and Crisis and Emergency Management at Nebrija University had the privilege of hosting Senator Alfonso Serrano. As part of Professor Carmen Carmona's course, "Design and Planning of Institutional Communication Campaigns II: Strategic Plan and Evaluation," Senator Serrano shared his insights on electoral campaigns, the creation of political narratives that resonate with diverse social groups, and the significance of framing.
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Actividad 27.11.2024
Students of the Master's in Political Communication and Crisis and Emergency Management, led by Professor Diana Cortecero, visited the Madrid Stock Exchange to discuss crisis communication management in the financial sector. Esther Tribaldos, deputy director of corporate communication at the BME Group, shared insights into the history and curiosities of the stock market, and detailed the daily operations of the company's communications department. Professor Cortecero also took the opportunity to explain a notable business crisis that occurred in the building following the stock market debut of a Spanish company a few years ago.
Actividad 25.11.2024
We visited the 112 Emergency Centre of the Community of Madrid, which manages over 3,500 emergency reports daily, ranging from house fires and traffic accidents to homicides, road disturbances, forest fires, assaults, and brawls. In its state-of-the-art facilities, which are pioneers at both national and international levels, 250 people work in shifts each day. They are dedicated to optimizing emergency management to ensure a quick and effective response to citizens' problems.
Actividad 25.11.2024
Our students from the Master's in Political Communication and Crisis and Emergency Management at Nebrija University showcase their ability and creativity in analyzing and producing political content. Within the framework of the course "Data Analysis for Political Communication: Propaganda, Political Marketing, Mediatization, and Cyberpolitics," directed by Professor Tania Brandariz, our students had the opportunity to apply their acquired knowledge in a highly relevant and stimulating practical exercise. Through the creation of a political podcast, students have been able to put into practice their analytical, writing, and communication skills—key competences for political communication professionals.
Actividad 25.11.2024
Our students of the Master's Degree in Political Communication and Crisis and Emergency Management at Nebrija University had the pleasure of hosting Juan Matías Fernández Bustos. He holds a degree in International Relations from the Universidad del Salvador in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where he also served as an adjunct professor of Comparative Latin American Political Systems. Previously, he was a Senior Specialist in Government Outreach at Edelman Global Advisory, part of the regional Public Affairs HUB for LATAM, handling accounts in the technology, financial, mass consumption, and industrial sectors, specializing in research, strategic planning, and engagement. For the past three years, he has worked as a Senior Public Affairs Consultant, having been with Political Intelligence and currently based at LLYC.
Actividad 21.11.2024
Students of the Master's in Political Communication and Crisis and Emergency Management at Nebrija University recently faced an extreme communication simulation: an interview on the management of DANA. We are committed to preparing the spokespersons of the future.
Actividad 20.11.2024
José María Goicoechea, director of communications at the Thyssen-Bornemisza National Museum, attended Professor Diana Cortecero's class to explain to students that culture can also be a scene of crisis, not only sectors like energy or food which are often seen as more vulnerable. Ultimately, the actions taken are similar, and the objective remains the same: to strengthen the reputation so that a crisis becomes an opportunity to consolidate the brand.
Actividad 14.11.2024
Students had the opportunity to meet with Pedro Rollán, the President of the Senate, who provided an overview of the composition and functioning of the chamber. He also answered their questions on various political, social, and media issues related to the Senate's activities. Additionally, the students enjoyed a guided tour of the Senate, learning about the building's history and some of the artistic treasures it houses. A heartfelt thank you to Pedro Rollán and his team for their attention and warmth.
Actividad 13.11.2024
The students had the opportunity to virtually engage with Xosé Manuel Pereiro, the vice-dean of the Professional College of Journalists of Galicia, TVE delegate, and correspondent for El País during the Prestige crisis. He is also the coordinator of the book Chapapote (Libros del KO) and the author of Prestige, tal como foi, tal como fomos (Galaxia). We discussed how communication was managed during the shipwreck crisis and the post-crisis period, touching on topics such as misinformation, the importance of selecting technical spokespersons instead of political ones for certain issues, and the significant turning point it represented in terms of social protest against the institutional response.
Actividad 13.11.2024
The students had the pleasure of hosting David del Cura, currently the Coordinator of the Presidency of the Spanish Banking Association. A seasoned journalist, he previously served as the press chief for Vice President Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría and directed and presented La Brújula on Onda Cero. He was also responsible for Nacional, the weekend news, and the news segments for programs by Luis del Olmo and Carlos Herrera.
Actividad 31.10.2024
The Master's in Political Communication and Crisis and Emergency Management at Nebrija University had the privilege of hosting Carlos Díaz-Pache, Spokesperson for the Popular Party (Partido Popular) in the Madrid Assembly. Together with his chief of staff, Marta Cid, they shared their experiences on the role of a spokesperson and the dynamics of teamwork. We appreciate their generosity and the valuable exchange with our students, which reinforces the master's degree's commitment to bringing politics closer to the academic field.
Actividad 23.10.2024
The Master's students attended the III Emergency Communication Seminar organized by the General Directorate of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, along with the APM and the EFE agency. Over three intense days of panels and conferences, the students delved deeper into the civil protection system, emergency plans, the roles of firefighters, health workers, and the State's security forces. The seminar addressed the need for specific training for journalists in emergency and catastrophe plans, emphasizing their role in communicating reliable, truthful, and verified information to citizens. Additionally, the importance of agility from official sources in providing this information to the media and citizens through social networks was discussed.
Actividad 22.10.2024
On October 22, we had the honor of celebrating the official presentation of the new cohort of the Master's Degree in Political Communication and Crisis and Emergency Management at Nebrija University. The event was highlighted by the presentation of the book "Jefe de Gabinete" by Toni Aira and Sergi Sabaté, with prominent professionals such as Iván Redondo in attendance. The panel was moderated by Óscar Álvarez, president of ACOP. The students of this new cohort enjoyed an unparalleled political event that provided insights into the role of the chief of staff.
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Activities for the 2023-24 academic year

Actividad 17.04.2024
In mid-April, a group of Master's students had the opportunity to explore the Moncloa Palace complex. Guided by Manuel López, one of their professors who works in the speech preparation department for the President of the Government, the students delved into the rich history of the various buildings. They also visited significant areas such as the press room, where the media is briefed after Council of Ministers sessions.
Actividad 03.04.2024
Within the scope of their course "Disinformation and Electoral Campaigns: Microsegmentation in Social Media and Fake News," the Master's students have initiated the inaugural edition of COMPOL Verifrija: Europe Edition. This groundbreaking initiative marks the first university Escape Room designed to combat disinformation within the context of European elections. Participants have been divided into multiple groups, encompassing not only students from the current academic year but also involving family members, friends, professors, and students from previous cohorts. The event unfolds across three distinct scenarios, each aimed at combating misinformation through rigorous research and the critical examination of sources and information.
Actividad 15.03.2024
Professor Daniel Ayllón, the Director of Communication (DIRCOM) at the Ministry of Youth and Children of the Government of Spain, graciously accompanied us during our visit to the Congress of Deputies. We explored both the traditional areas, including the Hemicycle and surrounding rooms, and the new area where journalists conduct their daily work and parliamentary appearances occur.
Actividad 11.03.2024
We also wanted to commemorate and pay tribute on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the attacks that occurred in Madrid on March 11, 2024. In our classrooms, we had the privilege of hosting Rodolfo Irago, the journalist from the SER chain, who shared with us the experiences from the newsroom during those moments and the events that unfolded until the elections just three days later.
Actividad 08.02.2024
The political consultant Franz Von Bergen recently engaged with Master's students to discuss the significance of conventional media in contrast to social networks. According to Von Bergen, the key is to understand how to captivate the attention of the media, ensuring they grasp, internalize, and serve as a conduit for the ideas companies aim to communicate to their target audience. To achieve this, creativity, persistence, and professionalism are paramount, given the limited space and abundance of information within the media landscape. It is essential to craft a distinctive message that stands out amidst the noise.
Actividad 31.01.2024
Political scientist Alicia Peñaranda recently virtually joined our classrooms to deliver a talk to students enrolled in the online mode of the Master's degree in Political Communication and Crisis and Emergency Management. The session was engaging and informative, as Peñaranda, a Colombian national, shared insights into effective institutional communication strategies rooted in local institutions that maintain direct contact with citizens.
Actividad 26.01.2024
The press officer of Madrid's Gregorio Marañón Hospital, David García, from one of the leading hospitals nationally and internationally, recently visited our classroom. He addressed students on the significance of both external and internal communication. Engaging in insightful discussions, he explored the organization of communication concerning patients facing challenging situations in the hospital. García acknowledged the pivotal role played by healthcare workers, emphasizing the transformative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, which brought public recognition to the essential daily services provided by healthcare professionals.
Actividad 17.01.2024
A meeting was held at the Harmon consulting firm, accompanied by Professor Diana Cortecero, who is also associated with the company, alongside Manuel de la Fuente, partner in Public Affairs, and Francisco Calderón, partner in Corporate Affairs. The discussion centered around concepts such as the "non-market," which is integral to the firm's methodology. Harmon defines the "non-market" realm as encompassing "all aspects of a company or organization directly related to creating optimal conditions—economic, social, regulatory, reputational, environmental, and even emotional—that contribute to improved performance and, ultimately, the achievement of business objectives."
Actividad 09.01.2024
Our visit took us to the 112 Emergency Center of the Community of Madrid, where over 3,500 emergency cases are managed daily. These cases encompass a wide range of situations, from house fires and traffic accidents to homicides, road closures, forest fires, assaults, and altercations. This pioneering facility, both nationally and internationally, employs 250 individuals who work in shifts to optimize emergency response and ensure swift and effective assistance to citizens in times of need.
Actividad 20.12.2023
We spent some time in the Newtral newsroom, meeting with a portion of its team, led by journalist Irene Larranz. They shared insights into their daily operations, ranging from information verification to combatting misinformation, fact-checking political discourse, regulatory monitoring, and audiovisual production. Additionally, we had the opportunity to engage with one of the individuals responsible for Newtral's documentary program, Gabinete de Crisis, which airs on La Sexta.
Actividad 19-12-2023
The Chief of Staff of Isabel Díaz Ayuso, President of the Community of Madrid, Miguel Ángel Rodríguez, recently met with Master's students to discuss current political events and the strategies employed by politicians to shape their public image. According to Rodríguez, while the idea is crucial, effective storytelling is equally vital. The meeting was held at the headquarters of the Presidency, located in the Real Casa de Correos in Puerta del Sol.
Actividad 18-12-2023
Pedro Muñoz Abrines, one of the deputy spokespersons for the PP in the Congress of Deputies, graciously agreed to participate in an interview conducted by the Master's students. The purpose of this exercise, held within the classrooms of the School of Communication and Arts, is to examine how messages are crafted around a particular idea, the role of media in shaping political narratives and creating spectacle, and the analysis of significant concepts within each response.
Actividad 14-12-2023
We attended a plenary session of the Madrid Assembly, situated in the Puente de Vallecas district. Here, students had the opportunity to admire the Assembly's architecture, characterized by an open-plan design with expansive windows symbolizing its accessibility to citizens. Moreover, they witnessed the spirited debates between the President of the Community, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, and the spokespersons of various opposition parliamentary groups.
Actividad 13-12-2023
Students had the privilege of virtually engaging with Xosé Manuel Pereiro, Vice-Dean of the Professional Association of Journalists of Galicia, TVE delegate, and correspondent for El País during the Prestige crisis. He is also the coordinator of the book "Chapapote" (Libros del KO) and the author of "Prestige, tal como foi, tal como fomos" (Galaxia). Our discussions have centered around communication management both during the crisis caused by the shipwreck and in the aftermath. Additionally, we have explored topics such as disinformation, the significance of opting for technical spokespersons rather than political ones for specific issues, and the pivotal role this played in shaping societal responses to institutional actions.
Actividad 04-12-2023
Meeting with the President of the Senate, Pedro Rollán, who, after comprehensively explaining the chamber's composition and operations, engaged with the students, addressing their inquiries on various compelling topics related to the political, social, and media significance of Senate affairs. Furthermore, the students enjoyed a guided tour of the Senate offices, gaining insights into the building's history and admiring some of its artistic treasures. Sincere gratitude is extended to Pedro Rollán and his team for their attentive assistance and hospitality.
Actividad 04-12-2023
Students visited the Real Casa de Correos, the seat of the presidency of the Community of Madrid, to observe the event commemorating the anniversary of the Spanish Constitution. During their visit, they had the privilege of meeting with the regional president, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, for a brief exchange. This experience was particularly enlightening as it underscored the significant role of the media in such events, aiming to communicate messages of stability, coherence, and respect for the Magna Carta to society.
Actividad 29-11-2023
During Diana Cortecero's class, Eduardo Córdoba Vallet, former press officer of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2018-2021) and currently a reporter for the International section at Mediaset España, delivered a lecture. Córdoba elaborated on the intricacies of media dynamics vis-à-vis politicians, shedding light on the codes governing their interaction. Moreover, he delved into the nuances of crisis prediction and post-crisis management within the realm of politics, offering invaluable insights to the students enrolled in the Master's in Political Communication program.
Actividad 24-11-2023
Throughout the week, Master's students had the valuable opportunity to participate in the II Emergency Communication Seminar, organized by the General Directorate of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The sessions were conducted in-person at multiple locations, including the Rivas Vaciamadrid National School, the DGPCE headquarters, and the Madrid Press Association, where the Seminar concluded. Esteemed speakers shared insights into specific cases such as Storm Filomena, DANA, and the La Palma volcano. Emergency information managers from entities like the National Police, Civil Guard, UME, and 112 of the Community of Madrid also delivered impactful interventions.
Actividad 22-11-2023
José María Goicoechea, the communications director of the Thyssen-Bornemisza National Museum, joined Professor Diana Cortecero's class to highlight that culture, like other sectors such as energy or food, can also be susceptible to crises. He emphasized the parallel actions and objectives: leveraging crises as opportunities to fortify reputation and solidify the brand's position.
Actividad 22-11-2023
In the classrooms of Nebrija's School of Communication and Arts, we welcomed political consultant Iván Redondo, former Chief of Staff to President Pedro Sánchez, alongside Miguel Ángel Oliver, a journalist presently at Mediaset and Secretary of State for Communication. In their engaging session with students, Redondo offered insights into the new government formed by Sánchez that same week, describing it as committed to addressing the demands of the current times, emphasizing the need for heightened listening and articulating the implications of the government pact with Catalan and Basque nationalists. Oliver stressed the importance of a normal, measured political process, advocating against sensationalism or demagoguery, prioritizing the collective will of the Spanish people over transient political interests.
Actividad 20-11-2023
The Master's students, along with the director and coordinator, visited Hostel Bastardo in Madrid for the Beers & Politics event—a forum for discussions, debates, and learning centered around political communication. The session featured journalist Javier Ruiz, head of the Economy Area at Cadena SER, who delved not only into economics but also economic policy. Ruiz emphasized crucial political areas like fiscal policies and, notably, the allocation of tax revenues. Manuel Rodríguez, a political scientist and a Master's program professor, is among the organizers of this engaging event held in Madrid.
Actividad 16-11-023
Greet Gysen, Head of Communication and Information at the European Data Protection Committee, addressed institutional crisis communication during the Master’s session. Among various topics, she delved into the sensitive issue of private data usage by major tech companies, citing Meta's recent fine due to its questionable practices.
Actividad 15-11-2023
Students of the Master's Degree in Political Communication and Crisis and Emergency Management, under the guidance of Professor Diana Cortecero, had an insightful visit to the Madrid Stock Exchange Palace focused on crisis communication management within the financial sector. Esther Tribaldos, deputy director of corporate communications at the BME Group, provided an overview of the trading floor's history, shared intriguing insights, and described the daily operations within the company's communications department. During the session, Professor Cortecero also elaborated on a significant business crisis that unfolded in the building following the stock market debut of a Spanish company some years back.
Actividad 15-11-2023
The visit from Rafael Rubio, professor at the UCM, shed light on combating disinformation effectively. He stressed the need for long-term strategic institutional communication, emphasizing the importance of building reputation and establishing distribution networks to amplify responses. Rubio highlighted various objectives behind disinformation campaigns, including influencing electoral outcomes, creating uncertainty about poll legitimacy, and serving economic interests, as disinformation has spurred an industry involving both countries and private companies.
Actividad 13-11-2023
Tania Brandariz, Coordinator of the Master's degree, traveled to Barcelona for a meeting hosted by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation. The focus was on debating and discussing the contemporary significance of political communication in bridging the gap between politics and the broader public. This included engaging the youth, who will become future voters, and the elderly, who hold distinct perspectives on global policies. The dialogue proved highly productive, yielding valuable insights and conclusions for future endeavors in this realm.
Actividad 30-10-2023
On the afternoon of October 30, students enrolled in the Master's Degree had a firsthand experience touring the facilities of BIEM I at the Torrejón de Ardoz air base, belonging to the Military Emergency Unit (UME). Welcomed by Colonel Miguel A. Martínez Ávila, Director of Institutional Relations, and Commander Aurelio Soto, Head of Public Communication, the students explored the hangar, examining the vehicles utilized by the UME's first response team and gaining insight into the communication equipment used by the unit. This visit offered students a profound understanding of the UME's critical role in orchestrating emergency operations at the national level. The UME's primary mission involves serving citizens and supporting local and regional emergency response teams, both within Spain and on international missions.
Actividad 23-10-2023
During the elections for the delegate position in the Master's Degree in Political Communication and Crisis and Emergency Management, four candidates vied for the role. They presented proposals, delineated their agendas, and fervently showcased their ability to engage in argumentative discourse, all in pursuit of securing the coveted delegate position. Ultimately, Gonzalo Rodríguez emerged victorious as the delegate, while Jaime Villalba secured 9 votes, earning the position of deputy delegate.
Actividad 16-10-2023
In the inaugural session of the Master's Degree in Political Communication and Crisis and Emergency Management at Nebrija University's School of Communication and Arts, Elena Valenciano, former PSOE Deputy General Secretary (2012-2014), and Esteban González Pons, Deputy Secretary of Institutional and International Affairs for the Popular Party, aligned closely in their messages. The debate, which centered on the intricacies and overlaps of communication and politics, was moderated by Gregorio Martínez, Director of Institutional Relations at the University. The event, attended by forty students participating in the second edition of the postgraduate program, explored the nuanced interplay between communication, politics, and their complexities.
Actividad 10-10-2023
Iago Moreno, a professor teaching in the Online modality, delivered a conference to students enrolled in the face-to-face modality. His session delved into the future landscape of political communication within the digital sphere. Moreno extensively covered topics such as mediatization in politics, the impact of social networks, fake news, memes, and the metaverse.
Actividad 09-10-2023
Manuel de la Fuente, partner at Harmon Consulting firm, graced the official opening ceremony of the Master's Degrees of the School of Communication and Arts at Nebrija University. Notably, these degrees include the Master's in Political Communication and Crisis and Emergency Management. During the event, he emphasized the critical significance of top-tier education, spotlighting the pivotal role consulting firms fulfill in today's landscape. De la Fuente emphasized the indispensable nature of adeptly wielding political communication tools to reach citizens effectively—clearly, accurately, and without any distortion that could impair the intended message.
Activities for the 2022-23 academic year
Actividad The president of the Political Communication Association (ACOP), Óscar Álvarez, inaugurated in November 2022, the 1st Edition of the Master's Degree in Political Communication and Crisis and Emergency Management. Álvarez highlighted the importance of the political consultant's profession in order to effectively meet the objectives of a public and private organization.
Actividad Patricia Leiva, Director of Institutional Relations, Communication and Corporate Social Responsibility at Mahou-San Miguel, explained to the students the relevance of planning as the basis for success in communication. It is essential to reach the target audience, and reach it through internal and external communication.
Actividad Andrea Martínez and Alberto Bonilla, recounted their experience as parliamentarians in the classroom of the Master's Degree in Political Communication and Crisis and Emergency Management. It is key to adopt in political organizations the perspective of a private company in the organization and approach to communication.
Actividad In November 2022, the students had the first of the outings outside the classroom. Specifically to the Beers&Politics that was held at the Bastardo Hostel in Madrid. There, and by the hand of one of the Master's professors, Manuel Rodríguez, they listened to the reflections of María Llorach, PSOE's press officer in the Madrid city council, and Daniel Bardavío, press officer for the mayor of the capital, Partido Popular's Martinez Almeida.
Actividad The former Secretary of State for Communication during the government of Mariano Rajoy, Carmen Martínez Castro, participated virtually in the class of another former Secretary of State for Communication and professor of the Master's degree, Miguel Ángel Oliver. They spoke, in an interview format, about the difficulties of coordinating teams and planning a coherent and responsible communication policy.
Actividad Alberto Senante, a journalist specializing in NGOs and the Third Sector, spoke in the class of the current press officer of Minister Garzón, Professor Ana Vázquez Toscano, to explain the relevance of communication in organizations that seek to influence politicians and legislate with guarantees of equity and balance for the most disadvantaged.
Actividad On November 25, 2022, the first Political Friday was held, attended by students from the Master's degree and also from other postgraduates from the School of Communication and Arts of Nebrija University, which focused on social networks and political communication, with the presence of Javier Pereira, Delia Rodríguez, and Adrián González.
Actividad At the end of November 2022, the students visited the BIEM I facilities of the Military Emergency Unit (UME) in Torrejón de Ardoz. Guided by the UME press officer, Aurelio Soto, they visited its facilities and learned about the important work carried out by the military on missions in Spain and beyond our borders.
Actividad Nieves Goicoechea spoke virtually to the students about her experience at the Secretary of State for Communication, stressing the work they carried out during the COVID 19 pandemic, which pushed the communication structures of La Moncloa to the limit, to respond to the daily challenges.
Actividad In December, students had the opportunity to conduct an interview with the spokesperson for the Popular group in the Madrid Assembly, Pedro Muñoz Abrines, who answered questions from the students in the TV studio of the School of Communication and Arts at Nebrija University.
Actividad Susana Reverter, current press officer at Hospital La Paz, held a dialogue with the students in which she highlighted the importance of internal communication and the need for citizens to learn first-hand about the work carried out by the research groups of one of the most prestigious hospitals in all of Spain.
Actividad Fabio Benítez, cabinet director in the town hall of Arico (Tenerife) explained to the students, within the framework of the subject taught by Professor Tania Brandariz, the importance of local politics and how they achieve a presence in the media with a strategy based on in closeness, empathy, and mutual knowledge.
Actividad On December 22, 2022, students of the Master's Degree in Political Communication and Crisis and Emergency Management visited the House of Representatives, accompanied by Professor Ana Vázquez Toscano. The students were at all times attentive to the explanations of the person in charge of Events and Protocol of the House, who told them about the history, past, present and future of the Institution.
Actividad Iván Redondo, former chief of staff of President Pedro Sánchez, wanted to share his knowledge and theories about the relevance of the profession of political consultant with the students in the classroom. He stressed that the consultant must listen, appeal to feelings and direct the leader to meet the objectives. And, if need be, he should tell him/her of his/her shortcomings and the way to overcome them.
Actividad In the class of Professor Elsa Tadea García, Vicente Rodrigo, from ING, explained to the students the importance of a good communication manager, especially from the point of view of corporate communication, and how all the departments of a company must work together in order to meet its objectives.
Actividad Professor Ana Vázquez Toscano and journalist Ángeles Cabalero, from El Confidencial, carried out real spokesperson practices with the students in the TV studio of the University's School of Communication and Arts. They looked after not only to the substance of the arguments used, but also to the way they were communicated.
Actividad Elena de Pedro, a consultant at Harmon, one of the companies that collaborate with the Master's Degree in Political Communication and Crisis and Emergency Management, revealed in the classroom what the daily work of a consultant is, and to what extent it is important to meet the needs of clients and the public, within the framework of what they call the non-market.
Actividad On February 17, 2023, the second edition of Political Fridays took place, this time focused on the Third Sector. Julia García, from OXFAM-Intermón, and Alejandra Agudo, from Reporters Without Borders (RSF) took part in the event, with Professor Manuel Rodríguez as moderator of the meeting.
Actividad Ana María González Oxford, director of the NGO Reto, and communication consultant, participated in Professor Eglée Ortega's class. She spoke about the command structure in a political campaign and the relevance of the strategy in the world of communication.
Actividad Accompanied by the Master's teacher Nuria Bravo, the students visited the facilities of the Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF) where they spoke with the current national football coach, Luis de la Fuente, and visited the RFEF museum and the trophies won by the different categories of the Spanish teams.
Actividad On March 7, 2023, one day before the commemoration of Women's Day, the Master's students attended the Ateneo de Madrid for a talk organized by FEDEPE: Women leaders in politics, with the participation of Carmen Calvo, Rocío Monasterio, Ana Pastor and Rocío Guasp.
Actividad José Luis Ayllón, head of Mariano Rajoy's Cabinet, and Antonio Hernando, current number two in Moncloa's Cabinet for President Sánchez, spoke about political communication, its mistakes and its successes, the characteristics of the post of chief of staff and its implications, in a talk moderated by the Master's professor, Manuel López.
Actividad Professor Manuel Rodríguez invites Anxela Iglesias, coordinator of communication campaigns and digital strategies at Komons, to the classroom to prepare a research workshop on narratives in the media.

Actividad Several professors of the Master's Degree in of Political Communication and Crisis and Emergency Management of Nebrija University's School of Communication and Arts, took part in the presentation of an Open Chair promoted by the Argentine government to commemorate 40 years of democracy in the South American country. The objective of the chair is to reflect on globalization, digital citizenship, climate change, the displacement of power and artificial intelligence. The Master's coordinator, Tania Brandariz, and professors Juan Ignacio Estévez and Gonzalo Sarasqueta participated on behalf of Nebrija University.
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