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University Life University Ombudsman

Welcome to the page of the University Ombudsman for Nebrija University.

"The University Ombudsman has to be mainly two things, first, a place for conflict resolution, and second, a source of suggestions to improve the functioning of the University. The latter requires an annual report." - William Orr

The figure of the university Ombudsman is provided for in Article 24 of the Organization and Functioning Rules of the Antonio de Nebrija University (Official Gazette of the Community of Madrid, Friday, January 27, 2012)

.. The University will have a University Community Ombudsman in accordance with current and applicable legislation. Its statute, designation, functions and other matters that affect said figure will be regulated by the University in specific Regulations that must be approved in accordance with the present Organization and Functioning Regulations.

and is governed by the Regulation of the University Ombudsman.

What is it?

The University Ombudsman is the institutional body that ensures respect for the rights and freedoms of professors, students and administration and services personnel, before the actions of the different university bodies and services, and whose actions, always directed towards improvement of university quality in all its areas, will not be subject to the imperative mandate of any university instance and will be governed by the principles of independence and autonomy, for which it will exercise a permanent informative activity on the issues within its competence.

When should I go?

Go to the Ombudsman when you believe that your rights and freedoms have been violated, creating a situation of discrimination, defenselessness or arbitrariness. The Ombudsman will preserve the confidentiality of personal or reserved data and information, obtained in the performance of his/her duties.

The Ombudsman acts at the request of the interested party on matters that are included in the following areas:

  • Consultation. Counseling
    The queries that are formulated, in a personal interview, by phone, by e-mail or through writing will be attended by the Ombudsman. If he/she considers it appropriate, he/she will refer the matter to the person in charge of the corresponding Department.
  • Complaint
    Any claim to the Ombudsman must be made in writing, via e-mail, or by requesting a personal interview with the Ombudsman. In any of the cases, there must be a written record of the interested party's personal and academic or professional data, and state the reasons for the complaint, providing, if necessary, the appropriate documentation.
  • Mediation in individual and collective conflicts
    The Ombudsman may act as a mediator, if said procedure is accepted by the parties, proposing transactional formulas for the controversial issues and in order to obtain an agreement that puts an end to the conflict.
  • Information and collaboration requirement
    The Ombudsman may address, in the exercise of his/her functions, any person and/or person in charge of the university community to gather information that allows his/her responsibility to be carried out successfully. All the information obtained will be subject to professional secrecy.

You must take into account that the University Ombudsman will not process (Art. 4 of the University Ombudsman Regulations):

  • Cases filed anonymously, as well as those in which bad faith, lack of foundation or lack of legitimate intention is found.
  • Cases for which a common administrative procedure or judicial process is pending, without prejudice to investigating the general problems raised in the complaints filed.

How do I contact the Ombudsman?

Any member of the university community, individually or collectively and invoking a legitimate interest, can contact the Ombudsman by email.


The following information must be included in your written document:

  • • Name and last name of the interested party
  • • Contact phone and email
  • • University sector to which he/she belongs (student, professor or administration and services staff).
  • • Clear and concise statement of the reasons why he/she is contacting the Ombudsman.
  • To do this, the interested party can use any of the following means.

Who are we?

Mª Pilar Vélez Melón

Mª Pilar Vélez Melón

University Ombudsman
Sergio Blázquez

Sergio Blázquez

Administrative support

Ex Defensores Universitarios

William Orr

William Orr

University Ombudsman (2010-2017)