Double Bachelor's Degree in

Tourism and Hospitality Management + Marketing

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Double Bachelor's Degree in  Tourism and Hospitality Management + Marketing

If marketing is your thing, and you want to apply its tools to a key sector in our economy, such as tourism, this double degree offers you the opportunity for professional development that ranges from planning marketing actions and communication strategies, to management and the design of tourism products and destinations. The double degree guarantees a coordinated preparation in several complementary disciplines so that the student obtains a more complete and attractive profile for the labor market.

With this training, students will obtain the necessary skills to analyze the sector and learn about the needs of the tourism market, and thus define an attractive tourism product.

Not only will you receive theoretical training in tourism and commerce, but you will also have university experiences thanks to seminars, forums, visits to companies and institutions, so that the students can see first-hand the operation of a company in the sector, all of this through its main managers, executives and directors.

Ranking Forbes - Top 5 Spanish Universities Ranking Forbes University

High score teaching and internacionalization QS Stars Ranking

High score online learning QS Stars Ranking

High score employability & inclusiveness QS Stars Ranking

"1st" Spanish University in Teaching uRanking

Among the 6 best Private Universities CyD Foundation

3rd Spanish private University in transparency CyT Foundation


All our degrees and curricula have been prepared in accordance with the new guidelines set by current legislation, having already been verified by the National Agency for Quality Assessment.
The student must take 372 credits

First year 84 ECTS

  • First Semester 42 ECTS
  • 6 ECTS | Ecosistema turístico I
  • 6 ECTS | Turismo y territorio
  • 6 ECTS | Economía aplicada al sector turístico
  • 6 ECTS | Fundamentos de la empresa turística
  • 6 ECTS | Desarrollo de competencias profesionales I
  • 6 ECTS | Escritura y argumentación
  • 6 ECTS | Marketing y Comunicación

  • Second Semester 42 ECTS
  • 6 ECTS | Ecosistema turístico II
  • 6 ECTS | Mercados turísticos y comportamiento del consumidor
  • 6 ECTS | Gestión turística del patrimonio
  • 6 ECTS | Contabilidad financiera
  • 6 ECTS | Tecnología aplicada a la empresa
  • 6 ECTS | Toma de decisiones en marketing
  • 6 ECTS | Política de productos y precios

Second year 78 ECTS

  • First Semester 36 ECTS
  • 6 ECTS | Gobernanza y política turística
  • 6 ECTS | Estadística aplicada al turismo
  • 6 ECTS | Inglés aplicado al turismo
  • 6 ECTS | Transición ecológica y digital
  • 6 ECTS | Pensamiento creativo
  • 6 ECTS | Distribución y Retail Marketing

  • Second Semester 42 ECTS
  • 6 ECTS | Investigación de mercados en turismo
  • 6 ECTS | Planificación y gestión de destinos turísticos
  • 6 ECTS | Contabilidad analítica y de gestión
  • 6 ECTS | Segunda lengua aplicada al turismo
  • 6 ECTS | Desarrollo de competencias profesionales II
  • 6 ECTS | Habilidades de comunicación
  • 6 ECTS | Investigación de medios y audiencias

Third year 84 ECTS

  • First Semester 42 ECTS
  • 6 ECTS | Inteligencia turística y análisis de datos I
  • 6 ECTS | ESG y Sostenibilidad
  • 6 ECTS | Dirección estratégica
  • 6 ECTS | Dirección de personas y equipos en turismo
  • 6 ECTS | Marco jurídico-legal del turismo
  • 6 ECTS | Marketing online
  • 6 ECTS | Brand management

  • Second Semester 42 ECTS
  • 6 ECTS | Emprendimiento en turismo
  • 6 ECTS | Innovación turística
  • 6 ECTS | Internacionalización en el sector turístico
  • 6 ECTS | Habilidades directivas
  • 6 ECTS | Comunicación y reputación digital
  • 6 ECTS | Actividades Universitarias
  • 6 ECTS | Prácticas Académicas Externas I (TUR)

Fourth year 78 ECTS

  • First Semester 36 ECTS
  • 6 ECTS | Nuevas tecnologías en el ámbito turístico
  • 6 ECTS | Dirección financiera en empresas turísticas
  • 6 ECTS | Optativa 1
  • 6 ECTS | Optativa 2
  • 6 ECTS | Experiencia de Marca y Creación de Eventos (Optativa 3 MKT)
  • 6 ECTS | Prácticas Académicas Externas II (TUR)

  • Second Semester 42 ECTS
  • 6 ECTS | E-commerce en el sector turístico
  • 6 ECTS | Lab Challenge Experiencias en Turismo (Optativa 4 TUR)
  • 6 ECTS | Desarrollo de competencias profesionales III
  • 18 ECTS | Prácticas académicas externas (MKT)
  • 6 ECTS | Trabajo fin de grado (TUR)

Fifth year 48 ECTS

  • First Semester 24 ECTS
  • 6 ECTS | Estrategia de medios / Industria y empresa de moda (Optativa 1 MKT)
  • 6 ECTS | Marketing de influencia
  • 6 ECTS | Contenidos de marca (Branded Content)
  • 6 ECTS | Taller de Trabajo Fin de Grado MKT

  • Second Semester 24 ECTS
  • 6 ECTS | Optativa 5 (Marketing)
  • 6 ECTS | Innovación en diseño de productos y servicios
  • 6 ECTS | Marketing relacional y CRM
  • 6 ECTS | Trabajo Fin de Grado (Marketing)

More information on these subjects

Elective Subjects

Elective 1:

  • 6 ECTS | Diseño de experiencias en turismo
  • 6 ECTS | Inteligencia turística y análisis de datos II
  • 6 ECTS | Dirección de hoteles
  • 6 ECTS | Turismo de negocios y eventos

Elective 2:

  • 6 ECTS | Gestión de servicios y experiencia de cliente
  • 6 ECTS | Fundamentos de organizaciones turísticas basadas en datos
  • 6 ECTS | Protocolo aplicadado a eventos
Competence Development Seminar 18 ECTS

  • 6 ECTS | Competence Development Seminar I inglés o español
  • 6 ECTS | Competence Development Seminar II inglés o español
  • 6 ECTS | Competence Development Seminar III inglés o español
Development of the Participative and Solidarity Spirit 6 ECTS

The recognition of 6 credits will be arranged according to the different activities that the student carries out throughout his/her degree. They will be awarded for cultural activities, sports, student representation, solidarity and cooperation, and/or to attend one of the following subjects: Human Rights and Corporate Social Responsibility.

Eval. of the Development of Skills in the Company 24 ECTS

A program whose objective is to favor the practical training of the students, under the continuous supervision of the Department of Professional Careers of the University, the academic department corresponding to the degree and the company or collaborating institution where the internships are carried out. We provide advice on the choice of internships and follow-up and tutoring, always considering the professional orientation of each student.

More information on Internships in Companies
Final Research Project 18 ECTS

This project involves the development of research tasks regarding different subjects by the student under the advice of one or several professors of the Department and, occasionally, professionals from the business world. For this, the student has the possibility to choose a project from among those offered.

Transversal Subjects Program

Through the transversal subjects you will be able to complement your education and complete your CV in a practical, collaborative and fun way.

It is a voluntary program with no added cost. Upon completion, you will be provided with a diploma.

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Diploma in English Professional Communication

Nebrija University, which is committed to languages and quality, provides the student with added value with the Diploma in English Professional Communication, which will allow him/her to achieve with confidence the competence demanded to successfully join the labor market.

It corresponds to level C1.

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University Life in Tourism and Hospitality Management + Marketing

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