Marta Perlado

School of Economics and Business

"Nuestro compromiso es formarte con las competencias necesarias para que seas el profesional que demanda la sociedad. En nuestra Facultad promovemos la metodología docente práctica y la enseñanza dinámica y participativa, para lograr la máxima empleabilidad y el desarrollo de tu espíritu emprendedor"
"Our commitment is to train you with the necessary skills to be the professional that society demands. In our Faculty we promote practical teaching methodology and dynamic and participatory teaching, to achieve maximum employability and the development of your entrepreneurial spirit. "
Dra. Ana Fernández-Ardavín Decana de la School of Economics and Business
Dra. Ana Fernández-Ardavín Dean of the School of Economics and Business
Facultad de Economía y Empresa

Entrepreneurial spirit, employability and internationality

The School of Economics and Business is characterized by the professors' commitment to their students. We work to transform them into versatile professionals who help in the development and prosperity of society.

We are obsessed with the employability of our students, and that is why we put all our efforts into equipping them with the skills and abilities that facilitate their entrance into the labor market, and in generating their own employability.

Wide range of degrees

We teach Bachelor's degrees in the areas of economics and international business, business creation and tourism. Many of the subjects can be taken in Spanish or English.

Our School proposes different study alternatives and modalities, and offers the opportunity to combine studies through double degree programs, for those students who aspire to a higher level of knowledge in their university degree period.

Our School's educational offer includes a wide range of postgraduate studies , para aquellos estudiantes que ambicionan un mayor nivel de conocimiento en su periodo universitario de grado.

La oferta formativa de nuestra Facultad se completa con un amplio abanico de estudios de postgrado at our Nebrija Business & Technology School, with 100% official programs, which give access to the doctorate degree.

We are committed to research and the generation of knowledge and science

Research Chairs

In the field of research, our School has Research Chairs, spaces for the generation and availability of knowledge and science, supported by companies that trust in our School's ability to generate prosperity in society.:

Research Groups

Ana Fernández-Ardavín Ana Fernández-Ardavín Dean of the School of Economics and Business


Ana Fernández-Ardavín

Ana Fernández-Ardavín

Decana Dean

Departamento de Economía Economy Department
Alejandro Echeverría Rey

Alejandro Echeverría Rey

Director del Director of the Bachelor's Degree in Business Analytics
Mónica Goded

Mónica Goded

Directora del Director of the Bachelor's Degree in Economics and International Business
Geoffrey Ditta

Geoffrey Ditta

Director del Director of Master's Degree in the Internationalization of Companies
Departamento de Empresa Business Department
Ana Fernández-Ardavín

Ana Fernandez-Ardavín

Directora del departamento de Empresa Director of the Business Department
Ivana Ambrosio

Ivana Ambrosio Racic

Directora del Director of the Bachelor's Degree in Business Creation, Administration and Management
Jorge Hernando Cuñado

Jorge Hernando Cuñado

Director del Director of the Master's Degree in Sales Management and Data
Eva Mª Iglesias Guzmán

Eva Mª Iglesias Guzmán

Directora del Director of the Master's Degree in Leadership and Strategic People Management
Mª Elena Álvarez García

Mª Elena Álvarez García

Directora del Director of the Master's Degree in Project Management and Organization
Andrés Arenas Falótico

Andrés Arenas Falótico

Director del Máster en Director of Máster en Master in Management
Departamento de Turismo Tourism Department
Daniela Thiel

Daniela Thiel Ellul

Coordinadora de la Sección Departamental de Turismo y Coordinadora del Coordinator of the Tourism Department and Coordinator of the Bachelor's Degree in Tourism and Hospitality Management
Francisco Javier Navarro Meneses

Francisco Javier Navarro Meneses

Director de Títulos propios Turismo Director of the Expert Degrees in Tourism Director del Director of the Master's Degree in Companies and Tourist Destinations + Own Degree of Expert Nebrija in Innovation and Tourist Intelligence
Nebrija Business and Technology School Coordinadores de Facultad School Coordinators
Ivana Ambrosio Racic

Ivana Ambrosio Racic

Coordinadora de Calidad Quality Coordinator
Jorge Hernando

Jorge Hernando

Coordinador de Movilidad Internacional International Mobility Coordinator
Investigadores Principales de la Facultad School Main Researchers
Dra. Dª. Miren Aurkene Alzúa

Miren Aurkene Alzúa

Responsable IP Grupo de Investigación Nebrija en Turismo Inteligente e Innovación
Head of IP Nebrija Research Group of Economic Analysis of the Tourism System
Santiago Budría

Santiago Budría

Responsable IP Grupo de Investigación Nebrija de Economía, Bienestar, Empresa e Internacionalización (ECEMIN) Head of IP Nebrija Research Group of Economy, Business and Internationalization (ECEMIN)
Santiago Budría

Fernando Díez Estella

Responsable IP Grupo de Investigación Nebrija en Antitrust, Regulación y Economía del Comportamiento (ARECO) Head of IP Nebrija Research Group of Antitrust, Regulation and Behavioral Economics (ARECO)



The teaching staff of the School of Economics and Business is made up of full-time professors and part-time associate professors.

The profile of full-time professors corresponds essentially to PhDs (most of them accredited), with dedication to research and undergraduate and postgraduate university teaching in their area of specialization.

The professors have a professional career of recognized prestige in business, they offer students the most intense contact with professional reality that they will find once they finish their studies.

Finally, specialist professors in the field of communication and management skills who teach seminars and courses on professional skills. The University makes a firm commitment to offering its students all the professional and personal development tools that will be required of future professionals.

José Luis García Delgado

José Luis García Delgado Full Professor of Applied Economics. Research professor of the Business Internationalization group of the School of Economics and Business.

Óscar Herencia

Óscar Herencia CEO of Metlife for Spain and Portugal.

Jesús Briones

Jesús Briones Head of people management (HRBP) at CEPSA.

Christian Bailac Jobst

Christian Bailac Jobst Director of Commercial Strategy at the Hotel Puerta América 5* in Madrid.

Carlos Vila

Carlos Vila International Expansion Director at Mango.


Research Groups

The School dedicates part of its effort to research tasks, as a fundamental complement to teaching. These tasks are structured around the existing Research Groups, which are part of the official register of the University, and which materialize in research projects with companies and public institutions in the sector.

Consult the lines of activity and research groups here


The School's professors regularly publish work related to their research as an essential part of their activity at the University.

Consult the most recent publications here

Ranking Forbes - Top 5 Spanish Universities Ranking Forbes University

High score teaching and internacionalization QS Stars Ranking

High score online learning QS Stars Ranking

High score employability & inclusiveness QS Stars Ranking

"1st" Spanish University in Teaching uRanking

Among the 6 best Private Universities CyD Foundation

3rd Spanish private University in transparency CyT Foundation