The School of Economics and Business is characterized by the professors' commitment to their students. We work to transform them into versatile professionals who help in the development and prosperity of society.
We are obsessed with the employability of our students, and that is why we put all our efforts into equipping them with the skills and abilities that facilitate their entrance into the labor market, and in generating their own employability.
We teach Bachelor's degrees in the areas of economics and international business, business creation and tourism. Many of the subjects can be taken in Spanish or English.
Our School proposes different study alternatives and modalities, and offers the opportunity to combine studies through double degree programs, for those students who aspire to a higher level of knowledge in their university degree period.
Our School's educational offer includes a wide range of postgraduate studies , para aquellos estudiantes que ambicionan un mayor nivel de conocimiento en su periodo universitario de grado.
La oferta formativa de nuestra Facultad se completa con un amplio abanico de estudios de postgrado at our Nebrija Business & Technology School, with 100% official programs, which give access to the doctorate degree.
In the field of research, our School has Research Chairs, spaces for the generation and availability of knowledge and science, supported by companies that trust in our School's ability to generate prosperity in society.:
In addition to these research chairs, and constantly working on generating knowledge and science, the School has Research Groups:
Nebrija Group on Tourism Intelligence and Innovation (Smarttour-INN) Nebrija Group on Economy, Wellness, Business and Internationalization (ECEMIN) Nebrija Group on Antitrust, Regulation and Behavioral Economics (ARECO)
Ana Fernández-Ardavín
Dean of the School of Economics and Business
Aimed at Bachelor's and postgraduate students
El pasado lunes, 28 de noviembre tuvo lugar en la Nebrija University, la segunda conferencia dentro del ciclo de conferencias sobre internacionalización de empresas, que hacemos conjuntamente con el Club de Exportadores e Inversores Españoles. En esta ocasión tuvimos la inmensa fortuna de aprender de Marcos Felipe Macedo, director jurídico y transaccional de Propav Infraestructuras, el cual dio una interesantísima ponencia a nuestros estudiantes de empresa y economía sobre los desafíos de la internacionalización y los factores clave a tener en cuenta en los procesos de negociación.
Aimed at Bachelor's and postgraduate students
El jueves pasado 10 de noviembre inauguramos el ciclo de conferencias sobre internacionalización de empresas. Ha sido la primera de muchas este año gracias a nuestros compañeros y amigos del club de exportadores aquí representados por Javier Valero. En esta ocasión especial nos acompañó Sara Cristóbal, Directora general de Seguridad, Comunicaciones y Defensa del Grupo Amper. Como nos explicó claramente nuestra ponente, la internacionalización desde un punto de vista teórico y científico está en el centro del desarrollo internacional del grupo Amper. La elección de la expansión internacional se planifica, y su equipo de trabajo realizo tras los años que la internacionalización es la consecuencia gradual de la búsqueda de nuevos mercados. Es una estrategia multifacética, ya que el desarrollo progresivo de la empresa la lleva a cambios culturales y estructurales.
Aimed at Bachelor's and postgraduate students
Andrés Arenas, professor at the Nebrija University School of Economics and Business, analyzes the latest data on economic parameters.
Aimed at Bachelor's and postgraduate students
The technology behind Artificial Intelligence is data (personal, industrial, etc.). And these data are "the basis of the economy and development of the future."
Aimed at Bachelor's and postgraduate students
In this talk with the students, Carmena highlighted the similarities between Spain and the United States "of which there are many more than the differences". The president of the American Club of Madrid wanted to eliminate some prejudices held regarding culture, politics and lifestyle in the United States, and made a historical review of the relations that both countries have maintained at different stages of history.
Aimed at Bachelor's and postgraduate students
The implementation of Bizum as a payment solution in physical stores is the company's challenge for this year. “We are in the technological development phase, and we are going to lean towards contactless.” This was announced by Ángel Nigorra, general director of the technological platform, during a conference given at the Madrid-Princesa Campus of Nebrija University.
Aimed at Bachelor's and postgraduate students
Cryptocurrencies are at the center of the economic debate around the world. However, in the exchange of ideas, blockchain seems to take a back seat, the set of technologies that allows the transfer of value and information safely without the intervention of intermediaries. To argue about this potential, Covadonga Fernández, CEO of the digital Blockchain Observatory, gave a presentation to future economists from Nebrija University.
Aimed at Bachelor's and postgraduate students
Among the extracurricular activities carried out in 2021/22, the conferences and meetings with professionals from the sector can be highlighted:
Aimed at Bachelor's and postgraduate students and external public
With a foreword by Antonio Huertas, president of Mapfre, Emprendedoras. Las líderes que cambian el mundo en la era digital (Women entrepreneurs. The leaders who change the world in the digital age) is presented as an inspiring book; a reflection of today's society. "This is a book that motivates both women and men to develop their talent," says Huertas.
Aimed at Bachelor's and postgraduate students and external public
Presentation of the book “Internacionalización empresas alimentación gran consumo”, organized with FIAB and ICEX, and closed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. Nebrija-Santander Global Chair on Business Internationalization.
Aimed at Bachelor's and postgraduate students
Presentation of the Iberian internationalization report 2021, with the Secretary of State for Trade, and the Ambassador of Portugal in Spain.
At the headquarters of the Export Credit Agency, CESCE, the Secretary of State for Trade, Xiana Méndez, presented the Iberian Internationalization Report, Spain and Portugal in the world, 2021, edited by the Nebrija-Santander Global Chair on Business Internationalization, and which was sponsored by the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism.
Dirigido a estudiantes de bachillerato, matriculados en cualquier centro de enseñanza secundaria o de Formación Profesional de España
Estudiantes preuniversitarios tienen la oportunidad de demostrar su capacidad de emprendimiento, creatividad, organización e ilusión a través de la definición y conceptualización de un proyecto de creación de empresa.
Aimed at Bachelor's and postgraduate students
Taste of America is the story of a successful women's business that started in Spain 27 years ago. The founder and CEO of Taste of America and The Cookie Lab, Dana Knowles, has offered a conference in Nebrija University's auditorium in which she shared with the students of the School of Economics and Business the origin of her company and its business model that has only grown since its inception.
Aimed at Bachelor's and postgraduate students
Seminar held at the confluence of the commemoration of Nebrija's 5th Centenary and the School of Social Sciences Week.
Organized by the Department of Economics and Business, of the School of Social Sciences at Nebrija University, and coordinated by Thomas Baumert and Andrea Carrera, it brings together a cast of outstanding professors —from different areas, orientations and generations— to analyze the economics of Nebrija's time and draw from it relevant conclusions regarding the current economic situation of the country; a situation that, despite the intervening five centuries, presents surprising parallels.
Aimed at Bachelor's and postgraduate students
3rd Meeting of the Network of Researchers on Internationalization (RII), sponsored by the Nebrija-Santander Global Chair on Business Internationalization, along with the Bank of Spain.
Aimed at Bachelor's and postgraduate students
Conference organized by the Nebrija Santander Global Chair in Business Internationalization in collaboration with the Complutense Institute of International Studies (ICEI). The meeting, held at the Madrid-Princesa Campus, included experts linked to research and dissemination of knowledge on the foreign action of Spanish companies and the international performance of companies.
During the event, papers by researchers in internationalization from different universities –public and private, based in Spain and abroad– and organizations and institutions were presented, in order to learn about and discuss the different projects that are being launched at this time. Among others, Asier Minondo, from the Deusto Business School, spoke about the impact of the crisis on Spanish exports, referring to the companies that were forced to export with the drop in domestic demand during the crisis, which gave them the opportunity to discover that they could compete internationally.
Elvira Prades, from the Bank of Spain, discussed the issue of imports into Spain, while Isabel Álvarez, Raquel Marín and Javier Serrano, from Complutense University, explained foreign trade and its link with the digital economy. In addition, during these sessions, topics such as the effects of trade and economic integration, Spanish multinationals and the driving factors of exports were addressed.
Aimed at Bachelor's and postgraduate students
Hybrid event presented by the director of the Master's Degree in Leadership and Human Resources Management, Eva Iglesias, and by Professor Dr. Jesús Briones, with the participation of David Barreales García as a speaker.
The event addressed topics such as digital transformation that is affecting employment, the changes that will take place and the sectors that will be affected. In addition, topics such as professional reinvention and the new skills that are most in demand were discussed.
Aimed at undergraduate and postgraduate students and expert professionals in HR from all sectors of activity
Aimed at Bachelor's and postgraduate students
The objective of this round table was that, through the experience of women executives with different business profiles, the students see that it is possible and that it is becoming easier to be a director, and that you do not have to give anything up to do so; that the reality that women executives often experience is different from what many directors think. One must understand what is happening and its reasons in order to be able to build a new future.
Aimed at Bachelor's and postgraduate students
Understanding this process, its importance within the organization, learning about the experiences of third parties that allow us to understand how to start this path of transformation, and knowing how to use innovation through the reality of business are basic knowledge and skills for today's executives.
Aimed at Bachelor's and postgraduate students
Banco Santander, along with the Santander International Entrepreneurship Center (CISE) and Nebrija University, has launched the 16th edition of the Explorer program, a young entrepreneurship program for projects in the pre-incubation phase in 10 countries, adding the US and Germany in this new call.
The students of the School of Economics and Business, across various programs—Bachelor's Degree in Business Creation and Administration, Bachelor's Degree in Economics and International Business, Bachelor's Degree in Business Analysis, and Bachelor's Degree in Tourism—attended the 18th Edition Final Awards ceremony hosted by the Máshumano Foundation at El Corte Inglés in Callao.
The Department of Tourism at Nebrija University annually organizes the Complementary Activities Program. This initiative aims to enrich students' training by offering cultural activities, lecture series, and visits. These activities help enhance and develop students' skills while providing them with valuable insights into the tourism sector's realities.
During the 2021/22 academic year, as part of the curriculum for the Bachelor's Degree in Tourism, coordinated visits to institutions/companies and fieldwork activities were organized, with the aim to provide students with practical experience and insights into the realities of the tourism sector, allowing them to apply the knowledge they have acquired in the classroom:
Among the extracurricular activities carried out in 2021/22, conferences and meetings with professionals in the sector, the following stand out:
The Telefónica-Nebrija Chair in Tourism Intelligence was established to address the challenges of digital transformation and technological integration within the tourism sector. Its primary objective is to foster the implementation of projects and activities aimed at incorporating technology and innovation to digitize processes and create products and services in tourism. This endeavor aims to contribute to the development of more innovative, intelligent, and sustainable tourism management practices.
Following the presentation, a Round Table titled “Progress towards the future of tourism: Intelligent development and resilience” took place. The panel featured Enrique Martínez Marín, President of SEGITTUR; Agustín Cárdenas Fernández, Director of Business and Company Transformation at Telefónica; and was moderated by Aurkene Alzua Sorzabal, Research Professor and Director of the Telefónica-Nebrija Chair in Tourism Intelligence.
More information at:
Article of presentation of the Telefónica-Nebrija Chair in Tourism Intelligence
Telefónica-Nebrija Chair in Tourism Intelligence
The Department of Tourism has arranged a dedicated workshop for both bachelor's and master's students focused on "Corporate Travel Management," featuring participation from AEGVE (Spanish Association of Corporate Travel Managers).
Throughout the day, attendees gained insights into corporate travel management, supplier and client relationship management, and the latest technology applications for reservation, management, and policy enforcement within companies. Highlighting Corporate Travel Management as a potential professional avenue for students, the event provided valuable industry knowledge and networking opportunities.
22 al 24/4/2022
Organized by the Department of Tourism, with support from the Telefónica-Nebrija Chair in Tourism Intelligence, our event featured distinguished guests including Almudena Maíllo del Valle, Head Councilor of the Delegated Area of Tourism at the Madrid City Council; Damián Castaño Vieito, Director of Telefónica in Madrid; Fabián González, Founder & CEO of FORWARD.TRAVEL; and José Luis Rodríguez Gamo, Chief Business Development Officer of GREEN URBAN DATA, specializing in Environmental Intelligence for cities.
During a round table discussion, the speakers addressed the challenges and opportunities within Premium Tourism, emphasizing the importance of incorporating sustainability and tourism intelligence for its development. They shared insights from their experiences in the field and underscored the significance of having well-trained professionals.
22 al 24/4/2022
Nebrija University proudly emerged as a finalist in the Talent Match – Open Day 2021-2022 organized by the Hotusa Group. The project "Nomads," presented by students Mónica Jiménez Ascanio and Patricia Rojo Villar under the guidance of Professor María del Mar Rodríguez Santamaría, received widespread acclaim.
This competition, a collaborative training initiative with universities facilitated by the Hotusa Group, involves fourth-year tourism students dedicating an entire semester to developing their projects. Following a rigorous preselection process led by the Selección Eurostars Hotel Company Manager and her team, the finalists are chosen to participate in the prestigious Open Day event.
As part of the IMPULSA Nebrija Employability Conference, we are delighted to host a round table discussion featuring four alumni from our Tourism program. They will share their valuable work experiences since graduating from Nebrija University. Additionally, we are honored to welcome Xavier Aizcorbe, Head of Client Success at Turijobs, the leading employment portal specialized in Tourism, who will provide insights into the main trends and job opportunities within the sector.
Nebrija University is proud to host the inaugural REDINTUR Doctoral Conference, aimed at fostering inter-university collaboration. The conference aims to establish an interdisciplinary forum for exchange among emerging and seasoned researchers in the field of tourism. It will bring together doctoral students from all tourism programs across Spain.
Víctor Manuel Sixto Sanjosé presented his latest book, "Sorpréndelos, manual práctico de creación de experiencias turísticas", a practical manual for the creation and management of innovative, sustainable, and digital tourist experiences. Hosted by the Department of Tourism, the author delves into the development of tourist destinations through the creation of these experiences, analyzing the various phases in the creation process.
Students from the School of Economics and Business, representing various Bachelor's degree programs, including Business Creation and Administration, Economics and International Business, Business Analysis, and Tourism, had the privilege of attending the final of the 18th Edition of the Máshumano Foundation Awards at El Corte Inglés in Callao.
The teaching staff of the School of Economics and Business is made up of full-time professors and part-time associate professors.
The profile of full-time professors corresponds essentially to PhDs (most of them accredited), with dedication to research and undergraduate and postgraduate university teaching in their area of specialization.
The professors have a professional career of recognized prestige in business, they offer students the most intense contact with professional reality that they will find once they finish their studies.
Finally, specialist professors in the field of communication and management skills who teach seminars and courses on professional skills. The University makes a firm commitment to offering its students all the professional and personal development tools that will be required of future professionals.
The School dedicates part of its effort to research tasks, as a fundamental complement to teaching. These tasks are structured around the existing Research Groups, which are part of the official register of the University, and which materialize in research projects with companies and public institutions in the sector.
Consult the lines of activity and research groups hereThe School's professors regularly publish work related to their research as an essential part of their activity at the University.
Consult the most recent publications here