The State at its different levels and international institutions are key actors in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
These actors channel their mandate through a wide network of institutions and public policies with a clear impact on economic prosperity, social development and national and international environmental sustainability.
The 2030 Agenda calls for innovation for sustainable development with clear implications and commitments for public sector institutions, highlighting the promotion of effective partnerships with a plurality of actors and the promotion of multi-level sustainable development policies.
Nebrija University offers the Expert Degree in Public Sector and Agenda 2030 in order to contribute to the strengthening of knowledge and institutional skills of this sector in its scope of action for sustainable development.
The curriculum is composed of two fundamental modules that address the most relevant aspects of sustainable development and the role of the public sector in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs.