Course on Urgent Nursing care for Acute Cardiological Patients

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Course on Urgent Nursing care for Acute Cardiological Patients

Nursing helps us from the heart

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are a group of disorders of the heart and blood vessels that are the main cause of death worldwide. Every year, over 120,000 people die of cardiovascular diseases in Spain, and more than 17.5 million do so worldwide.

Due to this high prevalence, hospitals and health centers allocate a large part of their resources to this type of pathology. For this reason, we see it necessary to update and teach the basic concepts for nursing professionals that will be needed to provide complete care in cardiac emergencies.


Urgent Nursing care for Acute Cardiological Patients

  • 1. Hypertensive urgency and emergency.
  • 2. Acute coronary syndrome (ACS).
  • 3. Heart failure (HF) Left and right.
  • 4. Main cardiac arrhythmias.


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