
Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Arts

Cross-curricular program in the center of Madrid
Work done by fourth-year students in the exhibition “En Tránsito”
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Grado en Bellas Artes

Innovative vision that goes beyond the traditional limits of fine arts

The Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts proposes a cross-curricular approach to contemporary art, hybridizing traditional artistic tools with new transmedia technologies.

This approach is applied both in classroom activities and in the wide range of extra-curricular activities framed in the current art scene.

This exclusive program has been designed for students with an interest in finding their own original view of the world that surrounds us. People with intellectual curiosity, who want to develop academically and personally through the creative and investigative experience offered by the Fine Arts, advancing towards a future of professional development connected to the contemporary artistic environment, creative industries and all areas where creativity is an added value.

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The degree in Fine Arts is based on an educational model that combines academic excellence in teaching both in the practical section of the artistic discipline and in the intellectual component that it requires to carry it out. Applying the teaching model of the Learning By Doing techniques of the School of Communication and Arts at Nebrija University, students will be able to discover the multiple connections that Fine Arts have with today's culture. The training received by our students facilitates their immersion in today's world, in which the skills related to the correct use and handling of images, as well as the professional skills they acquire through artistic disciplines, facilitate their introduction into the artistic and professional world.

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"We consistently strive to adapt to the evolving demands of an international and highly competitive artistic landscape. This necessitates working from a transversal and multidisciplinary perspective, seamlessly blending the traditional with the contemporary. Our goal is to guide students in constructing their artistic discourse while simultaneously fostering their employability and integration into the cultural industry and art market".

Lorena Palomino González Director of the Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Arts

Where our students work like real professionals
Nipho Journalistic Contest

Nebrija Art Club
Where our students create like real professionals

Exposición Vallehermoso

2 double Bachelor’s Degree
with Fashion Design or Digital Design

"Madrid is a very attractive city for all kinds of degrees, however, the city is a preferred destination for art students from all over the world. For a student, to be able to study that legacy is incredible. Our purpose is to value the Spanish artistic heritage and share it with the world".
Pablo Álvarez de Toledo director of the Department of Art at Nebrija University

Students of the Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts were able to show off their talent by exhibiting their creations in a professional gallery, Planta 1.

Only Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts in Spain that can be combined with other Bachelor's Degrees


BOE No. 186, of 2 August 2010
All our degrees and curricula have been prepared in accordance with the new guidelines set by current legislation, having already been verified by the National Agency for Quality Assessment.
The students must take 240 credits

First year 60 ECTS

  • First Semester 30 ECTS
  • 6 ECTS | History of art inglés o español
  • 6 ECTS | Drawing techniques and materials
  • 6 ECTS | Painting techniques and materials I
  • 6 ECTS | Digital techniques and materials I
  • 6 ECTS | Desarrollo de competencias profesionales I / Development of Professional Competencies I inglés o español

  • Second Semester 30 ECTS
  • 6 ECTS | Painting techniques and materials II
  • 6 ECTS | Vanguardias artísticas / The art vanguard inglés o español
  • 6 ECTS | Techniques and materials of sculpture
  • 6 ECTS | Digital techniques and materials II
  • 6 ECTS | Development of the spirit of participation and solidarity

Second year 60 ECTS

  • First Semester 30 ECTS
  • 6 ECTS | Workshop of painting and drawing projects
  • 6 ECTS | Stamping and printing techniques
  • 6 ECTS | Technical drawing
  • 6 ECTS | Computer-assisted Design I
  • 6 ECTS | Graphic expression: color and shape

  • Second Semester 30 ECTS
  • 6 ECTS | Audio-Visual Technology
  • 6 ECTS | Photography
  • 6 ECTS | Esthetics
  • 6 ECTS | Elective I: Website programming / Computer-assisted Design II
  • 6 ECTS | Development of Professional Competencies II inglés o español

Third year 60 ECTS

  • First Semester 30 ECTS

  • First Semester 30 ECTS
  • 6 ECTS | Elective II: 3D Computer graphics / Applied audio-visual technology
  • 6 ECTS | Workshop of contemporary creation projects I
  • 6 ECTS | Digital animation and 3D representation techniques
  • 6 ECTS | Painting: strategies and processes
  • 6 ECTS | Volume lab

  • Second Semester 30 ECTS
  • 6 ECTS | Photography and digital art
  • 6 ECTS | Creativity and Projects
  • 18 ECTS | Evaluation of the development of skills in the Company. (Internship)

Fourth year 60 ECTS

  • First Semester 30 ECTS
  • 6 ECTS | Projects and innovation
  • 6 ECTS | Artistic production and the cultural industry
  • 6 ECTS | Sound art
  • 6 ECTS | Sculptural projects
  • 6 ECTS | Desarrollo de competencias profesionales III / Development of Professional Competencies III inglés o español

  • Second Semester 30 ECTS
  • 6 ECTS | Elective III: Workshop of contemporary creation projects II / Urban spaces of the 3rd millennium / Packaging and the environment
  • 6 ECTS | Creative classroom. New paradigms in artistic learning
  • 6 ECTS | Lenguas modernas / Modern Languages inglés o español
  • 12 ECTS | Final Research Project

More information on these subjects

Seminar on Development of Competences inglés o español 18 ECTS

Consisting of Communication and Emotional Intelligence, Teamwork, Project Management, Leadership and Negotiation, Seminar on Development of Competences (includes English level test).

  • 6 ECTS | Seminar on Development of Competences I
  • 6 ECTS | Seminar on Development of Competences II
  • 6 ECTS | Seminar on Development of Competences III
More information on these subjects from the Nebrija Institute of Professional Competences
Development of a Participative Spirit and Solidarity 6 ECTS

The recognition of 6 credits will be arranged according to the different activities that the student carries out throughout his/her degree. They will be awarded for cultural activities, sports, student representation, solidarity and cooperation, and/or to attend one of the following subjects: Human Rights and Corporate Social Responsibility.

Evaluation of the Development of Skills in the Company 48 ECTS

A program whose objective is to favor the practical training of the students, under the continuous supervision of the Department of Professional Careers of the University, the academic department corresponding to the degree and the company or collaborating institution where the internships are carried out. We provide advice on the choice of internships and follow-up and tutoring, always considering the professional orientation of each student.

More information
Final Research Project 12 ECTS

The Final Research Project is an academic report that develops a subject of the curriculum and allows assessing the competences acquired in the Bachelor’s Degree. It can be related to the professional internships or it can also form part of a research project.

Diploma in English Professional Communication

Nebrija University, which is committed to languages and quality, provides the student with added value with the Diploma in English Professional Communication, which will allow him/her to achieve with confidence the competence demanded to successfully join the labor market.

It corresponds to level C1.

More information here

Previous Curriculum (to be discontinued)

First year 66 ECTS

  • Curriculum in process of extinction

Second year 60 ECTS

  • Curriculum in process of extinction

Third year 60 ECTS

  • First Semester 24 ECTS
  • 6 ECTS | Elective II: 3D Computer graphics / Applied audio-visual technology
  • 6 ECTS | Workshop of contemporary creation projects I
  • 6 ECTS | Digital animation and 3D representation techniques
  • 6 ECTS | Painting: strategies and processes

  • Second Semester 36 ECTS
  • 6 ECTS | Photography and digital art
  • 6 ECTS | Creativity and Projects
  • 6 ECTS | Volume laboratory
  • 18 ECTS | Evaluation of the development of skills in the Company. (Internship)

Fourth year 60 ECTS

  • First Semester 30 ECTS
  • 6 ECTS | Projects and innovation
  • 6 ECTS | Artistic production and the cultural industry
  • 6 ECTS | Sound art
  • 6 ECTS | Sculptural projects
  • 6 ECTS | Development of Professional Competences III

  • Second Semester 24 ECTS
  • 6 ECTS | Elective III: Workshop of contemporary creation projects II / Urban spaces of the 3rd millennium / Packaging and the environment
  • 6 ECTS | Creative classroom. New paradigms in artistic learning
  • 12 ECTS | Final Research Project


Profesores Professors Porcentaje de Doctores Percentage of PhD holders
21 76,19%
Lorena Palomino González Lorena Palomino González Directora del Grado en Bellas Artes
Profesora de Proyectos e innovación y Trabajo fin de grado
Director of the Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Arts
Professor of Projects and Innovation and Final Degree Project
Pablo Álvarez de Toledo Muller Pablo Álvarez de Toledo Muller Profesor de Taller de La producción artística y la industria cultural Professor of Artistic production and the cultural industry Artista visual y doctor en Ciencias Sociales, calificación sobresaliente Cum Laude, en la especialidad de Empresa Familiar y Emprendedores de la Facultad de Economía y Empresa de la Universidad Nebrija, (Madrid 2015), por la tesis doctoral “El carácter emprendedor del galerista de arte contemporáneo de Madrid: Situación y perspectivas de futuro”. Máster of Fine Arts, MFA. Yale University (C.T.1989). Bachelor of Fine Arts, BFA. Cooper Union School of Art (N.Y.C.1986). Co fundador y director de la Fundación Claves de Arte Su experiencia profesional en el ámbito de la Educación Superior se caracteriza por el diseño, desarrollo y liderazgo de proyectos formativos en las áreas de Artes y Humanidades, fundamentados principalmente en el emprendimiento y fomento de la creatividad. Ha sido director institucional del Centro Universitario de las Artes TAI, centro adscrito a la URJC, especializado en enseñanzas artísticas en las áreas de Música y Danza, Artes Visuales y Diseño, Cinematografía y Nuevos Medios, Artes Escénicas y Escenografía y director de postgrado en U-Tad. Centro adscrito a la Universidad Camilo José Cela y especializado en tecnología digital así como vicedecano de la Facultad de las Artes y las Letras y creador y primer Director Académico del Master Universitario en Mercado del Arte y Gestión de Empresas Relacionadas en la Universidad Nebrija. Edward Jobst Andrews Gerda Edward Jobst Andrews Gerda Profesor de Expresión gráfica: color y forma y Creatividad y proyectos Professor of Graphic expression: color and shape and Creativity and projects Manuel Arsenio Antón Salas Manuel Arsenio Antón Salas Profesor de Historia del Arte y Estética Professor of Art History and Aesthetics Magdalena Correa Magdalena Correa Larraín Profesora de Técnicas de estampación e impresión / Fotografía y arte digital Professor of Stamping and Printing Techniques / Photography and digital art Pablo España Cruzado Pablo España Cruzado Profesor de Técnicas y materiales de Pintura I y Desarrollo de competencias profesionales III y Pintura: Estrategias y procesos Professor of Painting Techniques and Materials I and Development of Professional Skills III and Painting: Strategies and processes
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Ana Esteve Ana Esteve Reig Profesora de Tecnología audiovisual y Tecnología audiovisual aplicada Professor of Audiovisual Technology and Applied Audiovisual Technology María de las Nieves Febrer Fernández María de las Nieves Febrer Fernández Profesora de Fotografía Professor of Photography Fausto Galindo Matas Fausto Galindo Matas Profesor de Diseño Asistido por ordenador II Professor of Computer Aided Design II Luis Gárciga Romay  Luis Gárciga Romay Profesor de Taller de proyectos de creación contemporánea II y Evaluación del desarrollo de capacidades en la empresa y Dibujo técnico Professor of Workshop of contemporary creation projects II and Evaluation of the development of capabilities in the company and Technical Drawing Amaya Hernández Siguenza Amaya Hernández Siguenza Profesora de Taller de proyectos de creación contemporánea I Professor of the Workshop on Contemporary Creation Projects I María Dolores López Faraldos, María Dolores López Faraldos, Profesora de Desarrollo del espíritu participativo y solidario Professor of Development of the Participatory and Solidarity Spirit Emilio López-Galiacho Carrilero Emilio López-Galiacho Carrilero Profesor de técnicas y materiales digitales II / Arte Sonoro Professor of digital techniques and materials II / Sound Art Lucia Loren Lucía Loren Atienza Profesora de Técnicas y Materiales de Escultura / Laboratorio de volumen; Proyectos escultóricos Techniques and materials of sculpture Professor / Volume Laboratory; sculpture projects Amelia Melendez Amelia Meléndez Taboas Profesora de Vanguardias Artísticas The art vanguard Professor Sara Quinter Sara Quintero Pomares Profesora de Técnicas y Materiales de Pintura II Painting techniques and materials II Professor María del Mar Ramos Rodríguez María del Mar Ramos Rodríguez Profesora de Técnicas y materiales digitales I Professor of Digital Techniques and Materials I Doctora en Bellas Artes por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Licenciada en Ciencias de la Imagen y Sonido por la misma universidad. Su práctica profesional se ha desarrollado en el mundo de la fotografía, la producción audiovisual y el diseño gráfico y editorial. Destaca su experiencia laboral en el mundo de la publicidad cinematográfica, en estudios de diseño y en la productora cinematográfica CineCompany, así como en las empresas de comunicación editorial Grupo Zeta y Vocento. En la Universidad de Nebrija imparte docencia desde 1998 en programas de grado y postgrado en las áreas de Comunicación Audiovisual, Periodismo y Publicidad al tiempo que lo compagina con proyectos gráficos y audiovisuales para empresas e instituciones. Desde el año 2022 es la coordinadora académica de Prácticas de la Facultad de Comunicación y Artes. Pedro Juan Sánchez Bermejo Pedro Juan Sánchez Bermejo Profesor de Técnicas de animación digital y representación 3D Professor of Digital Animation Techniques and 3D Representation Doctor en Escultura por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y licenciado en Bellas Artes con la especialidad en Diseño por la misma universidad. Especialista en producción audiovisual con Autodesk Maya, su experiencia profesional se ha desarrollado como fotógrafo profesional y diseñador gráfico. También ha sido coordinador, diseñador editorial y Director de Arte en varias empresas de Diseño Web, desarrollando líneas de diseño y guías de estilo. Ha desempeñado funciones de Editor ejecutivo multimedia en el Grupo Santillana de educación, Jefe de Producción Multimedia en Oxford University Press o Repsol-YPF. Ha sido profesor de diferentes disciplinas en diferentes centros de formación y universidades. Actualmente compagina su labor docente con su trabajo como freelance de Diseño, 3D y multimedia, gestión y producción de proyectos digitales y escultor y animador digital. Angel Serrano Valverde Angel Serrano Valverde Profesor de Diseño asistido por ordenador I Professor of Computer Aided Design I Ángel Serrano es graduado en Diseño por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, con Máster en Comunicación e Identidad Corporativa de la Universidad Internacional de la Rioja y Máster en Dirección de Arte por la escuela CICE de tecnología. Como diseñador ha trabajado freelance y para diversas agencias, con clientes como Carrefour, Repsol, Grupo PRISA, Pacto Mundial de Naciones Unidas o la Organización Mundial del Turismo, entre otros. Como profesor, ha impartido más de 6000 horas de docencia en diseño y tecnología para entidades educativas y empresas. Tiene publicados dos libros: Uno, de Ediciones Mandala. Madrid 2009 y Tanto, de Ediciones El Drago. Madrid 2019 Laura Soto Gutiérrez Laura Soto Gutiérrez Profesora de Taller de proyectos de de pintura y dibujo y Técnicas y materiales de Dibujo Professor of Painting and Drawing Project Workshop and Drawing Techniques and Materials Tania Ugena Candel Tania Ugena Candel Profesora de Aula creativa: nuevos paradigmas en la enseñanza artística Professor of Creative classroom: new paradigms in artistic education
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Career Opportunities

The faculty of this Bachelor’s Degree is formed by professionals with years of experience in the sector. This is a key point for the integration of the knowledge acquired with the exercise of the profession. Learning by doing is the philosophy of the Nebrija University for its learning model. The students enjoy many practical classes that allow them to learn by doing.

The Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Arts has a collaboration agreement with some of the best companies and institutions of the sector, such as the Galería Moisés Pérez de Albéniz, Canal de Isabel II, Globomedia, ARCO Madrid and Estampa, where the students can take their professional internships and obtain in this way their first work experience in demanding environments.

The graduate in Fine Arts can work as:


Companies in an agreement with Nebrija University regarding internships Action procedure in carrying out external practices Management process for external internships and Professional Guidance Labor insertion survey report
Employability recognized in the Rankings

Employability recognized in the Rankings

The commitment of Nebrija University to the academic requirement, training in leading companies and institutions, innovation in multidisciplinary programs and international projection, places the University in the top positions of the most important rankings.

The International Ranking QS Stars awards Nebrija University the maximum score in the quality and satisfaction of students in teaching, employability of the graduates and the internationalization of the institution.

The national rankings also recognize Nebrija University as the first Spanish university in teaching and second in employability, highlighting its performance in research, knowledge transfer and internationalization.

Development of Professional Skills

The Bologna Declaration formalized the principles on which the European Higher Education Area should be based: quality, mobility, diversity, competitiveness and employment growth.

From this, Nebrija stands as an academic model of reference, educating students with excellent individual behavior, interaction with their environment and motivated by and for constant and continuous training. The Nebrija Institute of Professional Skills works every day to achieve the differentiation of our students through the development of attitudes and skills.

The main objective is for students to achieve the best of themselves through the development and empowerment of their personal skills and resources through personal self-knowledge.

In addition, some of the professional skills that are worked on within the three seminars are those related to interpersonal skills and active communication skills and negotiation, indispensable for our students to know how to transmit ideas, to argue them, to provide information and opinions in an adequate, clear and convincing way.

Within what will be their work performance, other aspects such as teamwork, conflict resolution and project management ability will be worked on.

In the third block, skills worked on are those aimed at increasing the student's employability. They will work with tools and techniques for job searching, and perform tasks that achieve in the student a greater use of their personal skills.

For all this we have currently active experts in selection of people, professionals dedicated to personal and professional training and professionals dedicated to the world of communication and the arts.

In this way, and in a complementary way to his/her specific training, we help the student create a differentiating pattern in the social and business environment in which he/she will be immersed when he/she finishes his/her studies.

More information


The Department of International Programs of the Nebrija University makes a constant effort of monitoring the agreements with the most prestigious universities. The students can study in one of the following foreign universities:

Students of the Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts can study at one of the following foreign universities:

NOTE: The host universities offered by degree may vary according to the International Mobility Program. For more up-to-date information, students can consult the online information in the International Mobility Program.

Several universities have special academic or linguistic requirements. For more information, consult the Department of International Programs.

The information published here is for guidance only and may be subject to modification.


Exposición Simbiosis de los alumnos del Grado en Bellas Artes.

Nuestros alumnos han llevado a cabo la exposición colectiva bajo el título de “Simbiosis” aúnando los diferentes estilos y técnicas bajo la idea de una “asociación para ayudarse y beneficiarse mutuamente” y por la relación de temas humanísticos de las obras “que se conectan y sostienen entre sí”.



Public call: Artist in Residence

The Arts Department of the School of Communication and Arts at Nebrija University announces an artistic residence for emerging artists at its Berzosa campus.

The objective of this call is to facilitate emerging artists to access workspaces, resources for the realization of specific projects and link the work of young creators with the community of university students of the bachelor's degree in Fine Arts. It is about promoting the development of emerging artistic creation by establishing links with the teachers and students and the teaching community.

Residencia Artística

Resolution of the Artist in Residence Call 2020

When the jury was assembled, it has decided to grant residence to: Pilar del Puerto Hernández González

Residence Endowment:

  • A work studio on the Berzosa campus.
  • €1,500 in prize money that will be paid as a single payment after the end of the residence period, to which the tax and tax regulations will apply.
  • €1500 gross in total in budget for the purchase of fungible material to carry out the residence.
  • Daily transportation from Madrid to Berzosa (university bus service).
  • Daily food expenses in the cafeteria of the Berzosa Campus.

Residence Dates:

  • Start: March 2, 2020
  • End: May 29, 2020

Application delivery dates:

  • From February 3 to 17

Rules and application form

Rules of the call and application form

Activities carried out in the Degree


"Mañana Risas" Exhibition

Lateral restaurant (calle Galileo 8) is currently showcasing "Mañana Risas," an exhibition curated by 12 students from the 2nd year of the Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts. This inaugural exhibition marks the fruition of a collaboration between Nebrija University and the Lateral restaurant chain, providing students with an opportunity to display their artwork in a professional setting. The artworks, created on paper, are united by a central theme: university life. The culmination of this endeavor is a celebration of life and optimism.

See article

Practical fashion photography workshop by Jaime Gorospe

o The Artist of the Year 2022 from Nebrija University offered our students a practical workshop on photography applied to the fashion world. A unique opportunity to learn from one of the biggest examples in the sector.

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4th Edition Nebrija CREA Awards

The prizes, awarded by Bachelor's students, went to Cristina García Rodero, winner of the Visual Arts award in this fourth edition; Abril Zamora, Performing Arts award; the Costume Museum, Fashion Design award; and Rebeka Arce, Digital Design Award.

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Vallehermoso Exhibition

Framed within the subject of Sculptural Projects, the students of the Bachelor's Degree present their creations and demonstrated their talent in an exhibition held at the future Vallehermoso Campus.


Jaime Gorospe, Artist of the Year 2022

One of the examples of Fine Arts in our country, and in fashion, design and advertising photography, received the Artist of the Year Award 2022 from Nebrija University.

See article

III Edición Premios Nebrija CREA

Last April, the 3rd Edition of the Nebrija CREA Awards was held at Nebrija University's Madrid-Princesa Campus, an event that highlights the professionals who inspire our Arts students, bringing the best practices of the creative industries in which they will participate in the future.

Nebrija CREA Awards 2023

The students from the Fashion Design, Fine Arts, Performing Arts, and Digital and Multimedia Design programs at Nebrija University's School of Communication and Arts proudly unveiled the winners of the fifth edition of the Nebrija CREA Awards. Lluís Homar was honored in the Performing Arts category, Estudio Maison Mesa received recognition in the Fashion category; Miss Beige triumphed in the Visual Arts category, and Estudio Espada y Santa Cruz emerged victorious in the Digital Design category.

See article
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