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Nebrija ResearchResearch Grants

Call for Research Travel Fund

Staff mobility has always been a facet intrinsically related to research activity. The need for mobility, together with the financing of personnel and the purchase of assets, has been one of the traditional motivations for obtaining competitive projects that will provide the necessary funds for the development of this research work. Traditionally, attending research conferences was considered one of the fundamental actions within the scientific production process, through which one could present and subsequently publish the work carried out. Although this facet has recently lost much of the importance that it traditionally had, due to the current orientation (motivated by quality agencies) to publish in indexed magazines, it is true that it is still necessary to travel for networking reasons (which are fundamental these days) and exposure to other work environments.

In this circumstance, the Antonio de Nebrija University believes it is important to support research groups in their mobility actions, encouraging those that promote quality research. For this reason, the present call for grants is established, which will be opened for each academic year, intended for research-related trips, managed by the Vice Rector's Office for Research through its OTRI (Research Results Transfer Office). Starting from the importance of mobility, it is necessary to point out that the recurring and permanent financing of these actions by the University is not the definitive solution to this need. In an ideal scenario, one of the priority objectives of the research groups is the self-financing of their execution costs, among which are the costs derived from mobility. This scenario is the one contemplated in most research-oriented universities, where it is mandatory that every group periodically obtain funds to support their activity.

Call for 2021-22 academic year

  • Duration: The grants will be valid during the academic year where they were awarded, from September 1, 2021 to August 31, 2022.
  • Procedure: Procedure of the 2020-21 call.
  • Application: Annex I.

Call for 2020-21 academic year (closed)
  • Duration: The grants will be valid during the academic year where they were awarded, from September 1, 2020 to August 31, 2021.
  • Procedure: Procedure of the 2020-21 call.
  • Application: Annex I.
Call for 2019-20 academic year (closed)
  • Duration: The grants will be valid during the academic year where they were awarded, from September 1, 2019 to August 31, 2020.
  • Procedure: Procedure of the 2019-20 call.
  • Application: Annex I.

Call for grants for the pre-evaluation of Six-year periods of Research

Nebrija University, from the Vice Rector's Office for Research, open calls for grants for researchers to carry out the pre-evaluation of the six-year period application.

These grants, managed through the OTRI, will be convened annually at the beginning of each course, so that the pre-evaluation of the researchers' CVs can be carried out with sufficient time, before the publication of the CNEAI-ANECA official call for the submission of six-year period applications. These official calls are published in December of each year.

The pre-evaluation can be carried out with any specialized consultancy on this topic.

Call for 2022-23 academic year (Link accessible through Nebrija Network)

Call for 2021-22 academic year (Closed)

Call for 2020-21 academic year (Closed)

Call for 2019-20 academic year (Closed)

Call for 2018-19 academic year (Closed)

Call of the Ministry of Education for student collaboration scholarships in university departments for the 2022-2023 academic year

Communication of the number of scholarships awarded and Departments that apply for them

From the General Subdirectorate of Scholarships, Study Grants and Educational Promotion (General Directorate of Educational Planning and Management) of the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, we have been informed that, according to the criteria established by that General Subdirectorate, Nebrija University has been awarded a student collaboration scholarship in university departments for the 2022-2023 academic year.

The following Departments may apply for this scholarship:

  • Department of Applied Languages, School of Languages and Education
  • Engineering School Department, Higher Polytechnic School
  • Department of Advanced School of Computer Science, Higher Polytechnic School
  • Department of International Relations, School of Law and International Relations
  • Department of Economics, School of Economics and Business
  • Department of Education, School of Languages and Education

The call for Collaboration Scholarships in University Departments for the 2022-2023 academic year will soon be published in the Official State Gazette and the call will be published on Nebrijas website.

Priority Departments Criteria

Internal Procedure Call Scholarship 2022-2023

Call for Ministry of Education and Vocational Training scholarships for collaboration in departments for the 2022-2023 academic year

Organizing entity: Ministry of Education and Vocational Training.

Purpose: Grants for students in the final year of the official Bachelor's and Master's degrees. Aimed at starting research tasks related to the studies taken, by students who are going to finish their bachelor's degree or are taking their first year of a master's degree.

Beneficiaries: Nebrija University students who are going to finish their Bachelor's degree studies or who are studying the first year of official university master's degrees, so that they be introduced, while carrying out their studies, to specialized research tasks directly linked to the studies they are taking, and specify their interests in view of future teaching or research work.

Number of Nebrija Univ. scholarships: One.

Nebrija departments that can apply for the scholarship::

  • Department of Applied Languages, School of Languages and Education
  • Engineering School Department, Higher Polytechnic School
  • Department of the Higher School of Computer Science, Higher Polytechnic School
  • Department of International Relations, School of Law and International Relations
  • Department of Economics, School of Economics and Business
  • Department of Education, School of Languages and Education

Amount: 2.000 euros.

Established collaboration: three hours a day for seven and a half months (scheduled from November 1, 2022 to June 15, 2023) in the corresponding Department, under the terms set out in the collaboration project presented in their application.

Application Submission Deadline: September 20, 2022.

Attached PDF and the call itself.

Applications must be completed using the form that can be accessed online through the electronic headquarters of the Ministry of Education. (https://sede.educacion.gob.es)

List of candidates.

List of candidates who opt for the collaboration grant in university departments:

No applications have been submitted that meet all the requirements established in Article 6 of the Resolution of June 8, 2022, of the Secretary of State for Education, which calls for Collaboration Scholarships in university departments for the academic year 2022 -2023.

List of candidates proposed for rejection of collaboration in university departments, including the reason(s) for rejection

Given that no applications were submitted meeting the requirements established in Article 6 of the Resolution of June 8, 2022, of the Secretary of State for Education, the Collaboration Scholarship in university departments will be declared void for the academic year 2022- 2023.

Call for incentives for scientific publications with high scientific impact

1.- Objective of the grants

Nebrija University calls for incentives for authors of scientific articles in high-impact journals for all areas of knowledge. The objective of these grants is to enhance the academic excellence of faculty publications and to internationalize the scientific production of Nebrija University.

The aid will consist of a bonus for each publication (article) in a high-impact scientific journal.

For social sciences, humanities and the arts, the journal must belong to the A+ Excellence group of CIRC. These journals have international prestige and a high impact in their respective categories, being reference magazines in their corresponding disciplines.

The consultation of the journals can be done through this link: clasificacioncirc.es

For science and engineering, journals must belong to the First quartile (Q1) of the JCR.

Consultation of journals suppressed from the JCR. (Ed. 2023).

2.- Functioning of the call (*)

The call is open from June 8, 2016 and will remain permanently open.

To participate, you will need to be a professor at Nebrija University and have published in one of the journals mentioned above. It will be a condition that Nebrija be the affiliation unit that appears in the publication for each of the authors who request the grant.

Each author should individually submit a request after the publication of the article. To do so, authors are required to notify the Vice-Rector for Research by forwarding the request to OTRI. Submissions can be made through the Universitas XXI portal, accessible via the PDI/PAS services on the Nebrija website, or directly through this link.

+ Information

(*) Publications in journals that appear on the list of “predatory” journals or of which the scientific community has evidence of a lack of good practices will be excluded from this incentive. To this end, the OTRI (Research Results Transfer Office) may request reports from the Nebrija Research Ethics Commission; as well as external evaluators whose unfavorable assessment will determine the loss of the right to receive the corresponding incentive. Likewise, the Vice Rector's Office for Research, through the OTRI, reserves the right to establish a limit on the number of articles for incentives by an author in the same journal and year (for example, when they appear in the same monograph, etc.) in order not to undermine the purpose of this incentive.

Announcement of grants to professors for short research stays abroad

The Strategic Plan of the Antonio de Nebrija University contemplates the need for scientific and academic improvement of the University's teaching and research staff. The Antonio de Nebrija University wants to promote the collaboration of researchers and their research groups with other prestigious universities and research centers, in order to promote the exchange of ideas and knowledge, and to establish contacts that lead to research networks, coordinated projects and scientific collaborations. Likewise, conducting research stays abroad in research centers of recognized prestige is part of the merits that are becoming increasingly important in the calls for accreditation of professors of Quality Agencies, in addition to being a key experience in the career of teaching and research staff.

For all these reasons, the vice rector's office for research annually announces a grant program for short research stays for a minimum period of 1 month and a maximum of 3 months.

2017-18 academic year call (Call Closed)

The grant object of this call will be compatible with the salary remuneration, and will cover two concepts, stay and travel. For the 2017-2018 academic year, a maximum of three grants of one to three months each are called.

Applications and application deadline:

The applications will be sent to the vice rector's office for research within the period established in each call and will be evaluated by the Research Commission.

For the 2017-2018 academic year the deadlines are established as follows:

  • Publication of call: April 5, 2018
  • Deadline for submission of applications: April 5 to 25, 2018 (DEADLINE EXTENDED until May 7, 2018).
  • DATE OF RESOLUTION: limit May 31, 2018.


Research Commission of May 21, 2018. Awarding of the following grants to professors for short research stays abroad:

  • Macarena Donoso González. School of Languages and Education. 2-month stay
  • Ester Mª Mocholí Ferrándiz. School of Social Sciences. 1-month stay
  • Eirini Mavrou. School of Languages and Education. 3-month stay
  • Maria Caterina La Barbera. School of Social Sciences. 5-week stay
  • Jose Luis Olazagoitia Rodriguez. Higher Polytechnic School. 1-month stay
Call for the 2018-19 academic year (Call closed)

The grants object of this call will be compatible with the salary remuneration, and will cover two concepts, stay and travel. For the 2018-2019 academic year, the call covers a maximum of 9 months of aid (for stays of one to three months each).

Applications and application deadline:

The applications will be sent to the vice rector's office for research within the period established in each call and will be evaluated by the Research Commission.

For the 2018-2019 academic year the deadlines are established as follows:

  • Publication of call: January, 15, 2019
  • Deadline for submission of applications: January 15 to February 28, 2019.
  • DATE OF RESOLUTION: limit March 8, 2019.


Research Commission of March 8, 2019. Awarding of the following grants to professors for short research stays abroad:

  • Nuria Camuñas Sánchez-Paulete. School of Languages and Education. 3-month stay.
  • Fernando Moral Andrés. Higher Polytechnic School. 1-month stay.
  • Mª Pilar Vélez Melón. Higher Polytechnic School. 28-day stay.
  • Sara Uceda Gutiérrez. School of Languages and Education. 2-month stay.
  • Sonia Boulos. School of Social Sciences. 1-month stay.
Call for the 2019-20 academic year (Call closed)

Call for 2019-20 academic year

The grants object of this call will be compatible with the salary remuneration, and will cover two concepts, stay and travel. For the 2019-2020 academic year, the call covers a maximum of 9 months of aid (for stays of one to three months each).

Applications and application deadline:

The applications will be sent to the vice rector's office for research within the period established in each call and will be evaluated by the Research Commission.

For the 2019-2020 academic year the deadlines are established as follows:

  • Publication of call: June 24, 2019
  • Deadline for submission of applications: from June 24 to November 30, 2019.
  • DATE OF RESOLUTION: December 15, 2019.


Research Commission of December 18, 2019. Awarding of the following grants to professors for short research stays abroad:

  • Beatriz Talavera Velasco. School of Languages and Education. 1-montn stay
  • Francisco Miguel García Herrero. Higher Polytechnic School. 2.5-month stay
  • Jordi Regi Rodríguez. School of Social Sciences. 1-month stay
  • Rafael Barea del Cerro. Higher Polytechnic School. 2-month stay
  • Ciro Moreno Ramírez. Higher Polytechnic School. 2-month stay