Marta Perlado

Higher Polytechnic School

"En la Escuela Politécnica, fomentamos el aprendizaje práctico a través del enfoque 'learning by doing', mientras establecemos una estrecha conexión con el mundo empresarial para formar a nuestros estudiantes como líderes capaces de unir de manera sólida la teoría con la práctica".
"At the Polytechnic School, we encourage practical learning through the 'learning by doing' approach, while establishing a close connection with the business world to train our students as leaders capable of solidly linking theory with practice".

Dr. Juan Carlos Arroyo Portero Director de Higher Polytechnic School
Dr. Juan Carlos Arroyo Portero Director of the Higher Polytechnic School
Higher Polytechnic School

At our institution, we cultivate professionals who master not only very high technical demands, but who also possess leadership, empathy and management skills.

When we envision the future, we see a world shaped by technology, industry, computing, artificial intelligence, architecture, urban development, mobility, and entertainment, among other things.

As a university, we recognize our commitment to society and our responsibility to educate the individuals who will steer this future. Our School is a beacon for this future, staffed with professors and professionals who are experts in their fields, offering degrees that cater to these evolving demands. Our students, the future leaders, learn through hands-on experience and collaboration with their peers.

The future of technology is rooted in computer science, the symbiotic relationship between humans and machines (artificial intelligence), the foundational sciences of mathematics and physics, data processing, blockchain technology, and cybersecurity. Not to mention, the realm of virtual reality, where people interact within a virtual environment for purposes such as entertainment or education.

The future of industry lies in the development of autonomous or electric vehicles, exploring new forms of mobility. It encompasses the digital industry, the modeling of industrial processes, the creation of new materials that are lightweight, customizable, and capable of generating energy during phase changes. It involves industrial product design, additive manufacturing, construction management, sustainability, and robotics.

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The future of architecture is rooted in sustainable construction and the digitalization of project and construction processes through Building Information Modeling (BIM) and digital twins. It involves the planning and management of development companies, properties, and public bodies in smart, technologically advanced cities, and the industrialization of these processes.

The future of territorial management lies in the stewardship of resources, including water and forests. It encompasses digitalization, logistics (as the future is replete with transport), and the harnessing of solar and photovoltaic energy.

For this future society, we need professionals who can not only meet the highest technical demands but also possess leadership skills, empathy, management acumen, and a commitment to equality.

At Nebrija, our students primarily acquire these skills through experiential learning. They undertake internships in companies, participate in real projects (such as Dakar, Nebrija satellite), and work on Final Degree Projects for their Bachelor's (TFG) and Master's (TFM) degrees linked to companies and researchers. This includes understanding the level of maturity of Technology Readiness Level (TRL) in the projects.

We are committed to educating courageous individuals who are not afraid to learn and strive to change the world.

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Dr. Juan Carlos Arroyo Portero Dr. Juan Carlos Arroyo Portero Director


Juan Carlos Arroyo

Dr. Juan Carlos Arroyo Portero

Director de la Escuela Politécnica Superior Director of the Higher Polytechnic School

Departamento Escuela de Ingenieros Industriales School of Industrial Engineers Department
Roberto Álvarez Fernández

Roberto Álvarez Fernández

Director de la Escuela de Ingenieros y Director de Ingeniería Industrial Director of the School of Engineering and Director of Industrial Engineering
Sergio Corbera Caraballo

Sergio Corbera Caraballo

Director of Automotive Engineering del Automóvil Director of Automotive Engineering Director del Máster en Ingeniería de Vehículos de Competición Director of the Master's Degree in Competition Vehicles
Daniel Gómez Lendinez

Daniel Gómez Lendinez

Director del Grado en Ingeniería del Automóvil Director of the Degree in Automobile Engineering
Óscar Castillo

Óscar Castillo Campo

Director del Grado en Ingeniería Mecánica Director of the Degree in Mechanical Engineering
Javier Sánchez

Javier Sánchez Sierra

Director del Máster en Ingeniería Industrial Director of the Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering
Juan José Coble Castro

Juan José Coble Castro

Director del Máster en Energías Renovables y Eficiencia Energética Director of the Master in Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency
Departamento Escuela de Arquitectura y Construcción School of Architecture and Construction Department
Fernando Moral

D. Fernando Moral Andrés

Director del Departamento Escuela de Arquitectura
Director del Grado en Fundamentos de la Arquitectura(semipresencial)
Director del Máster en Arquitectura
Director of the Department of Architecture
Director of the Bachelor's Degree in Fundamentals of Architecture(blended)
Director of the Master's Degree in Architecture
Patricia Benitez Hernández

Patricia Benitez Hernández

Directora del Grado en Fundamentos de la Arquitectura(presencial) Director of the Bachelor's Degree in Fundamentals of Architecture(classroom attendance)
Departamento Escuela de Ciencias de la Computación School of Computer Science Department
Juan Carlos Arroyo Portero

Juan Carlos Arroyo Portero

Director del Departamento Escuela de Computación Director of the Department of Computer School
Pilar Vélez Melón

Pilar Vélez Melón

Directora del área de Ciencias Director of the Science area
Jaime Alvarez Benayas

Jaime Alvarez Benayas

Director del Grado en Ingeniería Informática Director of the Degree in Computer Engineering
Carolina Andrea Mendoza Parra

Carolina Andrea Mendoza Parra

Directora del Grado en Matemáticas Aplicadas Director of the Degree in Applied Mathematics
Alia Baroudi Guijarro

Alia Baroudi Guijarro

Directora del Grado en Física Aplicadas Director of the Degree in Applied Physics
Francisco Gálvez

Francisco Gálvez

Director del Máster en Computación Cuántica Director of the Master´s Degree in Quantum Computing
Jefatura de Estudios Head od Studies
Sarito Rubio

Sarito Rubio

Jefa de estudios Director of Studies

Secretaría académica de grado y postgrado

Undergraduate and Postgraduate Academic Secretary

  • Marian Izquierdo
  • Almudena Díaz
  • Elisa Pereira
  • Concepción Díaz
Unidad Técnica de Calidad Quality Technical Unit



  • Gloria Zarzuelo, coordinadora principal y de Ingenieros Industriales
  • Patricia Benítez, coordinadora de Arquitectura y Construcción
  • Marta Gómez, coordinadora de Ciencias de la Computación
  • Gloria Zarzuelo, main coordinator and Industrial Engineers
  • Patricia Benítez, Architecture and Construction coordinator
  • Marta Gómez, Computer Science coordinator
Unidad de Innovación Académica Academic Innovation Unit
Iván Zamarrón

Iván Zamarrón

Coordinador de Innovación y Desarrollo de Oferta Académica Coordinator of Innovation and Development of Academic Offerings
Unidad de Comunicación Academic Innovation Unit
Paula Narros

Paula Narros

Coordinadora de Comunicación y Actividades Communication and Activities Coordinator



Industrial Engineering and Automotive Area

Architecture Area

Information Technologies Area



The faculty of the Higher Polytechnic School comprises both full-time and part-time educators.

Our full-time educators are typically PhD holders accredited by ANECA/ACAP, demonstrating a strong commitment to both teaching and research. These educators specialize in fields pertinent to the degrees offered by the Higher Polytechnic School, such as Mechanical, Automobile, Materials, and Electronic Engineering, Mathematics, and more.

Our part-time educators bring a more professional perspective, contributing their industry experience from sectors related to the degrees. Additionally, we have educators who specialize in communication and management skills, offering seminars and courses on professional competences.


Research Groups

The School dedicates a significant portion of its efforts towards research activities, viewing them as an essential complement to teaching. These activities are organized around the existing Research Groups, which are officially registered with the University. These groups collaborate on research projects with companies and public institutions in the relevant sectors.

For more information on the lines of activity and research groups, click here


The professors at the School regularly produce publications related to their research, which forms an integral part of their activities at the University.

For a look at the most recent publications, please click here

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